What's Mine Is Yours...Unfortunately: Chapter 23

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                He frowns, but nods his head in understanding.

                “I guess I better go then,”

                “Wait Caden,” Serenity says.

                I send her a questioning glance. She ignores me.

                “I need your number,”

                “Of course,” Caden says taking his phone out of his baggy dark wash jeans.

                Serenity takes her phone out too and they exchange numbers before he smiles one last time and walks away.

                “You do realize how sad that was,” I say turning to Serenity.

                She sighs, “I know, but we sort of skipped the dating faze,”

                “Serenity, you don’t know anything about him! What if he’s some sort of undercover psycho?!” I ask slightly bewildered.

                “Let’s not talk about it. Want to sleep over?” she asks getting up.

                I sigh in defeat; knowing it’s pointless to fight with her.

                “Remember when I used to be the one to end a fight like that?” I ask grinning.

                She laughs, “We weren’t fighting,” she finally mumbles.

                But still as Serenity and I make it back to the car I can’t help but feel worried. What if my words are true? What if Caden is secretly insane?

                Or maybe I’m just being crazy-or maybe not.



                Monday comes around and I make my way to school. James has slyly avoided me all weekend; going out to eat, staying in his room for most of the time, and not making eye contact when I was near him.

                His parents who were supposed to return on Saturday from a business trip had not. So I wasn’t able to talk to them except over the phone when they asked me how I was doing. They really are nice people especially for someone so wealthy.

                Kat had decided to cut our sleepover weekend to a plain sleepover on Saturday. Sadly, I spent the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday in a pair of sweatpants watching movies.

                Now it was Monday again and since I woke up this morning I had sense of oncoming doom. Yeah call me dramatic, but I can’t help it.

                That’s also why I decided to put on some baggy dark purple sweatpants and school hoodie. I didn’t bother doing my make-up except for some mascara and I put my hair in a pony tail like the good all days. Then with mediocre eagle-(we’re the eagles at school) pride I walked through the front doors.

                Everything seems fine at first until I'm told that everyone has to go stand outside in the courtyard. Grumbling I walk back outside, hands tucked deep into the pocket of my hoodie, and silently half-froze.

                Kat was nowhere to be seen so I stayed alone. A few people looked at me and started whispering most likely saying I finally gave up the “girl” act and went back to my ways. Trying not to pay any attention to them I dig into my bag looking for my cheap cracked iPod. It was the old shuffle one, an old birthday present from Mary.

Stories From 2011 (Dear Players, What's Mine, Queen Bee)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon