Dear bella,

I will be home about 11:30 I'm at Walters of you invite any one over just don't burn down the house and stuff.also love you.also if you need me call me.

Love mom

Scotty mom want be home into 11:30.okay. Do you wanna put up Christmas lights.yess!!!!we have a week into Christmas and my family are coming in 2 days.all yeah I forgot out of all this.then you and scotty go up to the attic.yall get down the light and take them outside.we should start when ash comes .okay into then wanna go lay on the and scotty walk back inside and cuddle on the couch.when we get down with all that let's make Christmas cookies and have ash to invite Trent after cookies we can watch movies.yep that sounds good bella,after 3o minutes there was a knock.coming,you look thought the peep whole and see ash.come in Ash and you don't have to knock.sorry.its okay and do you wanna invite Trent over.sure.after ash called Trent we sat on the couch and waited for when he came we went outside and started putting up lights and stuff like that in the you wanna walk to the building to get a latter with me.yeah.ash and Trent were going to get a latter alrighty. Then you and scotty start walkin to the building into you stepped in a little hole and bout fell.bella you okay.yeah I'm fine.okay.them y'all get it and start coming back out to the front yard.scotty leaned the latter against the house and climbed up.bella what color lights we putting up.the clear ones.okay. Ash and Trent.yes they both said.will y'all put the blue on the porch.yes!!.so you got the clear and reach some to stood at the bottom reaching them to him.after all that ya turned them on and it was about 10:30guys I'm gonna go check my phone real quick and get some soda for went inside and got 4 cokes and saw you had five messages from your mom.the others beside the first and last said is everything okay you haven't answered I texted back saying yes we were just five minutes later you got a text saying okay I want be home into like 1:00.okay mom love you and then you went back outside.everyone drunk there soda and y'all went and stood in the rode to see what it looked like.some things that was in the yard was deer that light up,the tress that light up,gingerbread men,snowmen and stuff like after that y'all saw that it liked beautiful.guys lets take pictures.okay said ash.ash and Trent go first.some poses was them hugging kiss and stuff like that.then your and Scotty's was hugging and kiss too.then y'all went inside.guys who wants to make!!!!everyone yells.we made some snowmen,santa,gingerbreadman,and many more.then after that y'all went and sat on the couch.scott I need to shower I will be back.okay babe in going to go home and y'all care if I go home and take a shower said Trent.not at all.then he left.ash I will hurry and then come back down.okay.scotty and Trent left.then you took a quick shower. You came downstairs to see ash watching tv.hey ash.gosh you scared went and sat in the rocking excited your mom got a new bf.yes!!i figured she had on because here lately she was staying gone after her work least she found someone who cares about her.i know right.wonder if I will get a baby sis or bro.well why don't you ask.if they do in sure they will say but I may ask.thats good.thanks ash for talking with me.your welcome I'm here any time you need me.thank you and if you ever need me I'm either a phone call away or a house.then there was a knock.i got it and then you ran to the look there the peep whole and it was scotty an trent. You open the door and invite them y'all wanna put up the and scotty went upstairs and then to the attic.once you found the retainers of decorations and the tree you both came back down to the second have him a quick kiss and then y'all was off to the living walk in and Trent and ash was sneak up behind them and say don't suck each others faces off.they pull away and ash saids I bet you and scotty kissed while y'all was up there.we did once.then y'all start laughing.y'all put the tree up and was ready to decorate.the tree was green so y'all put blue lights on.then you put snowmen garlin blue,red and silver the main top there was a angel.guys it looks really good.then y'all take some pictures in front of the set your home screen as you and Scotty kissing in front of the tree and then your lock screen was of you and scotty hugging.then y'all sat on the couch cuddled up and watched home alone while ash and Trent was cuddled you got on twitter and put cuddling with the best boyfriend anybody could ask for and post a pic of you both.and then you posted a picture of you,scotty,Trent,and ash on the couch.and it said best movie night in a long time and tagged them in the pictures.about 1 o clock your mom came home and y'all was watching home alone 3.hey kids y'all's still up.yeah.the outside looks beautiful .thanks everyone said.and the tree looks beautiful too.thanks.tomorow were going to get stocking and another thing of paint.okay.well I'm gonna shower and go to bed.alright mom love you she said turning around.when Is Kim coming home.probably in 2 days.okay.night.night.then you look at scotty ash and Trent and said y'all wanna go upstairs and lay in bed and finish the movie, yes.then y'all went upstairs and got into the beds.ash and Trent got your bed and you and scotty got the fold out.night have scotty a kiss and fell fast sleep.

Sorry for the Grammar mistakes and please vote and comment.second chapter in a day.

When i fell in loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora