"Um.. You're welcome? I guess?" He says confused and I shake his hand before walking away and back to Riley. A smile is playing across her lips when she sees me and she opens her arms, wrapping them around my torso, laying her head on my chest.

"There's so many kids here." I whisper as I hear constant giggles, cries, and screams from the large amount of kids here that I'm guessing are Aiden's friends.

"I know, but it gets us ready for the future, right?" She asks, her head never leaving my chest.


The rest of that day consisted of several people congratulating Riley and I on our engagement and our expecting. Riley allowed many people to feel her bump, but she said that its sweeter when I do it.

*2 weeks later*

Riley's POV•

I lay in bed, watching Marcel as he scurries around the room to get things for work ready for tomorrow. It sucks that he can't take off for the whole day.

"Are you sure you're still getting off around 1? I'm really nervous and I want you to be there when we find out the sex of the baby." I say while rubbing my stomach. He doesn't turn to look at me when folding his scrubs.

"Yes, Riley. I promise. How many times are you going to ask me that?" He snaps and I just sit quietly. Marcel hasn't been in the best mood lately, and to be honest I'm not sure why. I've been very emotional for the past four months and when he shouts or yells at me, I could curl into a ball and start crying. But I have more respect for myself than that. Once I'm finished painting my nails a pretty shade of pink and done drying them, I lay down, pulling the duvet over my body. When I peak out from the top of the blanket, he's running his fingers through his hair and letting out a sigh.

"Babe, what's wro-"

"Riley! Please! Just, just be quiet for at least ten fucking minutes! That's all you ever do is talk and talk! Your voice gets annoying after a while!" He yells, catching me completely off guard. I could feel the tears sting the brims of my eyes as I lay silently, but I wasn't going to allow him to see me cry. I slide off of the bed, grabbing my pillow and walking towards the door. Just before I twist the knob, he starts to speak again.

"Oh, so now you aren't going to sleep with me?" He asks and I don't respond. "Are you ignoring me now, too?" He stares at me and I nod. "Well you can't just ignore me.." He muttered before taking his watch off and throwing it onto the dresser.

"Well why not? Why should I speak to you and put you through the misery of listening to my annoying voice?" I ask but I don't wait for his answer. Instead I wobble into the hallway, slamming the door and walking to the room that was mine when I first moved in. Sadly, like I was expecting him to do, he didn't come to apologize to me. I couldn't sleep so I laid in that comfortable bed for about two hours before finally asking myself what I was doing. I slide out of bed and walk slowly since I can't see because the lights are off, when I reach the door, I pull it open and run into a tall figure.

"AH!" I let out a screech and began hitting whoever it was.

"Ow! Riley stop, it's me!" He says just as there was a loud slap due to my hand connecting to his cheek. I gasp and cover my mouth with both hands.

"I'm so sorry!" My hand searches for the light switch and once I find it, I turn it on. Marcel has a red hand print on his cheek but he sort of deserved it. "I didn't mean to-"

"I know, it's fine. I was just um.. I was just coming to lay with you, actually.. I can't sleep." He muttered tiredly while rubbing his eye.

"I was coming to lay with you also." I say quietly and he gently pushes me inside the room before taking me over to the bed that is a thousand times more comfortable than his. We lay beside each other, but I decide not to even look at him while he stared at me, tracing his long finger up my arm. He does this every time I'm mad or just a little upset with him. It usually works, but not this time.

"I love you..." He whispered and I completely ignored him. I clench my jaws and stare at the ceiling as he let out a sigh. "Can you please talk to me?" He asks and I shake my head no. "Why not?"

I look around the room and see a pen on the dresser. I rush over to get it and when I come back to the bed, I take ahold of his hand and begin to write down what I have to say.

"My voice is annoying." He read out loud slowly as I wrote it. He looks up at me with a are-you-serious expression on his face and I shrug my shoulders before laying back down and turning so my back is facing him. He slid off the bed and walked towards the door. Just as I thought he was going to leave, he shuts the light off and walks back to the bed. Seconds after us laying there silently, I feel him slide closer to me and wrap his arm around my side, laying his head in the perfect spot for his mouth to be placed by my ear.

"Your voice is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard in my twenty two years of living. It isn't annoying, I was just annoyed and stressed. I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have snapped at you and I apologize." He whispers while rubbing my stomach, and I could feel the baby kick. Marcel's hand stopped moving and he laid it over the one spot where the kicking continued. I place my hand over his and he continues to talk.

"I can't wait to go with you tomorrow. I know you're worried and anxious because I am too. I know you need me to be there and trust me, I will be." He says softly and a smile appears on my face when he lets out a sigh. "Riley, please talk to me. I honestly do miss hearing your voice. It's killing me." He whines.

"I love you, and I forgive you." I say quietly and he snuggled closer to me.

"You don't have to forgive me. Just know that I'm sorry and I really shouldn't be talking to you that way. Babe, I feel like such a terrible fiancé. Who talks to their fiancés that way?" He asks and I smile while turning on my other side so I'm facing him.

"Shh. Don't worry about it. Just tell me what is wrong and I'll do anything to make it better. Just don't yell at me again, please." I giggle. I quickly turn on the lamp on the night stand and look at him.

He let out a sigh and started playing with the ring on my finger. "One of the little boys that would come in very often just passed and I've been invited to his funeral. I don't want to go because that is just.. Too heart aching and I don't know how I'll handle it. I feel as if it were my fault though I know for a fact that it isn't." He holds in his tears throughout his explanation and I could feel my heart slightly breaking. "And I was just so upset, and stressed because its just so sad and this is just ridiculous. Should I be this upset?" He looks up at me questionably and I nod. I brush back his curls that lay on his forehead and smile sympathetically.

"You don't have to go. I know you think that it will upset his family, but I doubt that's they are going to be worried about it during a time like this. Also, if you do go, I could come with you-"

"Please. Please come with me. You always know how to make everything better and I just need you." He begs and I nod.

"Well when is it?"


"Tomorrow is Tuesday." I assure him and he nods. "Ok. I'll come. It'll be ok, I promise." I whisper while staring at his kissable lips. I slightly lean my head down, placing my lips on his parted ones, our tongues immediately touching and our lips moving. I bring my right hand through his hair, tugging on it as we kiss passionately. We haven't kissed like this in a while and I really miss it. He runs his fingertips up my side and I giggle when he tickled me. Our lips are now disconnected and I stare at his green eyes.

"Tomorrow is going to be amazing." He assures me and I nod in agreement.

Marcel; SequelWhere stories live. Discover now