"You okay with that?" She asks, looking at me.

"Walking into a bank with a bag full of cash? Sure." I say, shrugging my shoulders before finishing off my last mouthful of coffee.

I get up from the dining room table and grab her cup, "I mean don't all high school English teachers get paid in small bills?" I say sarcastically.

There's a knock at the door and I turn to Gemma, "You mind getting that? It's Tara."

"Tara?"' She asks and I nod my head as I begin to wash up, "Yeah, we're going out for lunch.  We haven't caught up in a while."

She leaves the room and I hear the front door open before footsteps coming into the kitchen, "Hey." She says.

"Hey, just give me a sec and we can go." I say, placing the dishes on the rack.

"Well I gonna head off." Gemma says and I turn and walk over to her, giving her a hug.

"Thanks again." I whisper in her ear.

"Anytime baby, I love you." She says, pulling back.

"Love you too." I say.

She says a quick goodbye to Tara before making her way out of the house, "What was that all about?" Tara asks, looking after Gemma.

I sigh and shake my head, "Club shit." I say.

She nods her head, "I'm kind of glad I'm not deep into it anymore."

"I am too." I say, quickly washing my hands.

"So, where too for lunch?" She asks as I dry my hands on the towel.

I shrug my shoulders, "Neeta has the boys for the day so I don't have to be home by a certain time, want to check out that new cafe that's opened up on Leighton Way?" I ask, grabbing my handbag and keys from the table.

"Oh I've heard about that place, it sounds amazing." She says, following me out of the house.

"Then that's where we're going." I say and she smiles.

I lock the house behind me and climb into her catty, making our way over to the cafe, "So how is everything with you lately? It's been ages since we've caught up."

"I've been really good. There's been a lot going on with work and I've been pretty busy with David." She explains and I smirk over at her.

"What?" She asks, looking at me from the corner of her eyes.

"Nothing, it's just you guys have been together for a while now. You think he's gonna..." I trail off.

She shakes her head, "No. Just because you got engaged, doesn't mean everyone else is." She says with a smile.

"Come on Tara, it's been a year. You don't think anything is going to happen? That it's not heading into that direction already?" I ask, turning my body to face her.

She remains quiet with a small smile on her face and I chuckle, "He's a good guy Tara, it doesn't hurt to think that maybe something special is going on between the two of you. That you can be happy."

"I know I can be happy, it's just..." She trails off.

"Just what?" I ask.

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