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John's POV

"Awwwwwwwwweeee look at the happy couple" I heard someone chuckle. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the sun coming through the curtain.

"What the fuck" I turned my head to the side and saw Derek taking a video, presumably on snapchat. I flipped off the camera per usual and he stopped after that.

The boys all came around the corner laughing. After they were done Derek spoke up "we're going out to smoke man you comin'?"

"Nah man she's still out I'll stay here" I shrugged

"WHAT MAN!?" The boys yelled, some made whipping noises

"Guys!" I whisper yelled "Do not wake her up! She's had a rough couple of days" I huffed

"Okay man our bad" Chad chuckled as they walked to the porch.

I rolled back over to the same position with Adilynn. She hadn't moved all night. I'm not lying, she's still laying on my chest with her arms locked around me. Not long after I felt the floor vibrate and saw her phone light up by her head.

I stretched over to grab it before it could wake her up.

"Hello" I answered

"Hello sir this is Officer Jamenson, I'm looking for Adilynn Green."

"Oh hey, I'm John Swift, one of the guys she's staying with, she's still sleeping right now can I take a message?"

"I just needed to let her know that we have tracked the suspect she gave us and it was confirmed he is in the area. We need her to stay away from any of her common places including friends houses, work, her house, the beach she frequently surfs, anything that people could easily find her at. It would also be good if she was with someone at all times"

"Yes sir, I will let her know and we will make sure she's not left alone anywhere."

"Thank you son"

"Thank you" I smiled as I hung up.

I played with her hair some more waiting for her to wake up. Ry walked down the stairs and smiled at us before walking to the kitchen.

"Mmmmmmhmm" Adilynn rolled on to her back stretching out. "What time is it" she asked curling into a ball

"Ummmmmmm 11:44" I answered

"Dear god I slept a lot" she giggled


"Did everybody sleep down here?" She asked

"No but you fell asleep during the movie and latched on to my side. Nate tried to carry you upstairs but you didn't want to let me go so we stayed here" I chuckled

She covered her face embarrassed "I'm so sorry, I'm not normally like that"

"Don't be embarrassed it's perfectly okay" I smiled "besides, ladies are lining up around the corner to fall asleep on my chest" I joked trying to lighten the mood

"Okay Swazzle-Dazzle, whatever makes you feel better" she laughed. Call me crazy but I love that name from her.

We walked into the kitchen and joined the boys who were now at the table. "So Adi you got a call earlier. It was Officer Jamenson" I trail off

"Oh what'd he have to say?" She asked getting coffee

"Um so they tracked the suspect you gave him and he's here somewhere. They don't want you anywhere you would usually be and they don't want you to be alone..so please take at least one of us with you when you go somewhere?"

"Okay thanks for telling me." She smiled but I could tell it bugged her.


"Hey can I take a shower?" I asked

"Sure thing Ryan do you want to show her where everything is?" Nate asked

"Yeah of course" she said walking out of the kitchen. I followed her upstairs and she stopped at a closet. "Here's towels and such. The showers just in the bathroom and works like a normal shower" we laughed at the last part.

"Thanks" I smiled. I went to my room and grabbed my shampoo and stuff that I had brought as well as a change of clothes. I grabbed a towel out of the closet and went into the bathroom.


Once I was out and dressed I kind of wanted to go out so I figured I would see if Ry wanted to go to the mall maybe? I mean I don't really know her that well but she seems nice and she's the only girl here so I might as well get to know her.

Out of the Blue... // A John "Swazz" Swift StoryWhere stories live. Discover now