Chapter 45

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"Mrs. McClintock?"

Sweat trickled down his brow and he blinked it away. MRS. MCCLINTOCK. Vicky's journal! He'd worked over his life so many times he forced himself to believe the cover story. He had to believe it, to tell it like truth.

"She's my sister-in-law." He seethed. "She just had twins and her two year old daughter was killed just a week before she got here. I wanted to see how she was doing and to tell her I was alive and well."

"Why the secrecy?"

"I'm not exactly sure I'd be welcome anymore. I sorta took off without a word and my brother-in-law is Union through and through."

"I see." the gravelly voice said.

Jeremy imagined his captor stroking his chin in thought and gave himself a mental kick in the seat.

You've read one too many dime-novels!

His captors had no doubt done a little digging into the cover story and Jeremy was suddenly grateful that Smith had been so thorough as to send a notice of death to the Bradley's and to erect a marker in the Las Cruces cemetery. And Lord Bless Vicky for that silly story about the twin sister!

He gagged as none too gently a hand tugged at the remaining ties around his throat. Without warning the bag was ripped from his head. After so long in the dark, he had to blink a few times before the room came into focus. He was in an upscale library with fine Cherrywood furnishings. A fire burned brightly in the large fireplace. It was night but he knew neither the day nor the hour.

"Will you please tell me what this is all about? You want money? I'll give you what I have but..."

"Mr. Kelly." The man with the gravelly voice cut him off with a broad grin. "We are friends. We must be very selective about whom we invite into our little circle. There are many who would like to see our little circle...shall we say, dissolved."

"You are..." Jeremy let his voice trail off, putting on his best surprised face.

"The Knights of the Golden Circle. The men who will see that the South rises to victory in this impending war. Our way of life shall not be overrun by northern suppression. We have many friends in, shall we say, influential positions that will help us succeed in our endeavor."

"I...I..." He really didn't know what to say at this point.

Intelligence had only briefed him on the nature of the organization and the men involved in it. He had no idea where to go from here. He was supposed to get in cozy and see what he could learn about the 20,000 stands of arms and the plot to overthrow the California government.

"We know all about your newspaper and its articles spouting free speech and praise for Abraham Lincoln. We also know of your articles about his competitors and we have knowledge of your sister-in-law and her husband. We know about his loss. He has commissioned a headstone for his daughter, Naomi Beth."

A puzzled look flashed in his eyes only an instant before he masked it with one of genuine sadness.

"We also know about the death of your wife Elizabeth. It seems rather a remarkable coincidence that you left so soon after you buried her."

It was hard to remember at the moment that he had scoffed at this cover story. Right now he thought it was pure genius!  He relived the moment he got his death sentence. He relived all the grief and horror he felt at knowing he was a dead man and he'd never see his children grow.   His shoulders slouched and he let his heartache show on his face.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat