Chapter 51

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The young man named Mort nearly dropped his weapon as he hurried to open the gate before running off to deliver the message.

"I wonder where shall I leave the buggy? Shall I wait for my husband her with you Mr. ...?"

"My name's Jim, Ma'am." He took off his hat as an afterthought.

Vicky was pretty sure that was against the rules for a soldier on duty. She smiled warmly at his polite gesture. She realized, with a start that Jim wasn't too much younger that she was. She was only two and twenty yet she somehow felt much older.

She wondered if she had stayed in Rosewood if she would be as young as innocent as Jim and Mort seemed.

"No ma'am. You see, I can't leave my post or I'd be happy to..."

"Of course, Jim. I understand."

"If you pull inside the gates, you'll be taken care of. Any one of them would be glad to take care of your buggy and get you to the major."

"Thank you, Jim." She smiled sweetly as she pulled through the gates.

True to Jim's predictions, all she did was pull through the gages and several soldiers appeared to offer assistance. Lady visitors were obviously rare at the fort. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled and she felt the weight of so m any eyes pressing down on her. She resisted the urge to palm her pistol. Instead she squared her shoulders and smiled at the three young men closest.

"The soldier outside? Jim? He said one of you could see to my buggy and take me to the Major?" she kept her smile fixed on her face despite her discomfort as they openly gaped at her.

She resisted the urge to touch her hair or smooth her skirts. She knew there was nothing amiss. They were just young men and she was a young woman. Not just nay young woman, though. She was the wife of their commanding officer. That alone made her a curiosity. She chuckled in her nervousness.

"It seems the cat has gotten your tongues." She smiled and pointed to the soldier stroking the nose on her lead horse.

At his surprised gasp she nodded.

"Yes you." She smiled again and began to feel her cheeks aching from the effort, "What is your name sir?"

"Thaddeus, Ma'am."

"Thaddeus, would you please take me to the Major and see to the buggy?"

A broad grin broke his exceptionally young looking face. Vicky hoped he wasn't one of those who'd lied about his age. She smiled at the irony for that is EXACTLY how their good Major began his illustrious military career.

"Hear that boys? She picked me!" As if suddenly realizing she was still there, he blushed furiously. "I mean, yes ma'am. It's not far."

"Reuben, stand up." As he did she handed him the reins and moved to his seat.

"Sit on my lap, son." She gave him a special smile and hugged him as he did so.

"Thaddeus, climb aboard."

Thaddeus had spoken truly for the trip was a short one. Even so, the buggy carrying the Major's wife drew almost as many spectators as a full parade.

They stopped by a structure on the back side of a central courtyard. The commander's office, she was told was on the top tier in a corner overlooking the bay. There were several soldiers about, obviously come out to see the Major's wife. Reuben jumped suddenly from her lap and spun around to face her.

"I'll help you down." He offered, straightening to his full height.

"Thank you, son." She gave him another special smile as she held on to his hand for balance while she climbed down.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now