Chapter 59

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Shamed at his hesitancy to leave her just now, he poured himself a drink then gulped it down. He rarely drank and it burned, creating a welcome distraction and dampening his body's reaction to Vicky. Pouring another he looked at the liquor in the glass and shook his head. What on earth had he gotten himself into, and how on earth would he survive?

"It isn't heavenly possible!" He thought with frustration as his gaze drifted past the desk. His eyes focused on the object he'd been staring at. It was a Bible. Maybe it is possible. Setting down his unfinished drink he went to the chair and turned up the lamp. He sat down to read and felt mightily comforted.

Quinton rose early, and stretched the kinks out. The settee and the chair were both too small and he'd ended up on the floor. He returned quietly to the bedroom to retrieve fresh clothing. His shaving things were still in the kitchen so that's where he washed and dressed. He made coffee and started on breakfast.

Vicky came down in a simple dress. Her hair was loosely tied back with a ribbon and she rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she smiled at him. Lord but she was adorable. He sighed and begged the Lord for strength. He held her chair and then fetched their plates to the table. Once more he prayed for strength.

"I'm hiring a nanny." He announced, deciding to get it over with quickly.

"You know I don't..."

"Katie told me to bring you to town and get you nanny. She..."

"Don't you try to put this off on Katie! Quinton McClintock! You know how I..."

"Victoria." He leveled his gaze and she went still, studying his face.

"I've made up my mind. I'm hiring you a nanny. The twins are already crawling everywhere and soon they'll be walking and running and you'll need the help. Now I know the boys have been grand in their assistance, but it is unfair of me to expect—"

"But I have Reuben!"

"Vicky, he should be in school. I've not pressed the issue yet because of the extenuating circumstances, but we can't continue to put this on him. It's unfair to him to—"

"You're right."

"Now I know...what did you say?"

"I said: You're right." She smiled at him over her coffee cup.

He stood a little too quickly and nearly knocked over his chair. He cleared his throat.

"Yes, well." He cleared his throat again. "I need to go."

Having made his decision the night before, he had felt as though a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders. His arguments were true, but he hadn't shred his most desperate reason: that the presence of another would help him immensely in his efforts to remain loyal to Jeremy. He shook his head as he started Jonah toward his office. Lord he was going to need the patience of a saint!

His thoughts turned to their conversation on the way home and he turned over the bit about Jeremy choosing him because he would love them. Could that be right? If this was his family...If he had to leave knowing he'd never come back, would he have the courage to leave his family with his replacement? Would he have the strength to stay away knowing that another would love them?

He saw Vicky as he did that day she'd been shot protecting Naomi Beth after the firefight. She had been willing to give up her life for Naomi Beth, and she wasn't even her natural born babe. Jeremy had appeared then and they'd worked together to save Vicky. His thoughts shifted to the day Jeremy asked him to take care of his family. Quinton had admitted his love that day and Jeremy had said "I know."

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now