Chapter 30

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Mr. Whittaker's face lit up in surprise. Quin was glad he and Vicky decided to do this and at that moment, he knew it was the right thing indeed.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say that would be right nice indeed and Thank you kindly Mr. McClintock. Tell you what, I'll have the boys help me make sure these supplies get to the right folks and I'll have my missus get the ladies organized to help. Why don't you just take her on into bed when you get up to the house?"

Vicky was so tuckered; she never woke when he carried her into the house. He decided to let her sleep until the twins needed her. No doubt the girls had fed the babes while Vicky was gone. He laid her on the bed and took off her shoes. He put her tossed her shawl over the back of the chair and was about to leave when Bradley stirred. Vicky woke up almost at once.

Quin wasn't surprised. He'd seen how Vicky had fought to protect Naomi Beth. Even though she was dead tired, she roused herself for those babes. They were quiet as she suckled them and as he laid them back in their cribs he heard her voice.

"Don't turn around." She whispered.

He stood a moment, and heard the rustle of fabric and realized she was changing. He heard her steps padding on the floor a moment before her hand rested on his shoulder. He turned and she hugged him about the waist, snuggling into his chest. He slipped his arms around her and rubbed her back.

"What's this?"

"Just..."she sighed and squeezed him before she got up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you for everything."

"You're very welcome." He smiled to her. He touched her cheek and felt the urge to kiss her.

"Goodnight." Abruptly he turned and left her.

She was too tired to wonder what was going on. She shuffled back to bed and was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The following morning work began in earnest. A huge fire pit was dug and the meal preparations began. All over, women and children busily worked to clear areas, bake pies, mend clothes and get ready.

Around noon, Edward arrived with Ethel with a wagon full of food...wonderful food... casseroles, pies, cakes, pickled and sweetened, breads and jellies, canned fruits and vegetables. The list was long and delicious. Ethel's sewing group sent the contributions.

Then around two the wonderful surprise arrived. Padre Chavez arrived with three wagons full of gifts and decorations. He mentioned the dinner after services and encouraged folks to send what they could. There were quilts, dresses, shirts, shoes, more food and toys, mirrors and brushes, even a teapot. .

The Padre was proud of his congregation and their Christian generosity. The refugees were grateful to the point of tears for the goodness of these kind strangers. The services that evening lifted everyone's spirits.

After services the giving began. Quinton and Vicky sat on the porch rocking the twins while the Whittaker's oversaw the dispersal of the gifts. She reached over and squeezed his hand, filled with happiness and grateful they could do this for their new friends.


"Mr. Whittaker, what is it?"

"Well, there's some things here for you too."

Vicky looked at Quin and he shook his head.

"I—I don't understand?"

He held out a bundle and nodded to his daughter who took Ida Rose from her. With her hands free she accepted the bundle and realized it was wrapped in a beautiful piece of calico. As she untied the ribbon and removed the folds she saw a beautiful christening gown and her hands flew to her face as she gasped.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora