Chapter 12

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"How would my accepting such a mission keep my family safe?"

"A wise choice Mr. Kelley."

"I didn't say I would accept anything. But you have my attention. I would do anything to keep my family safe." He stood now, feet apart and stared heard at the Captain, his arms crossed over his chest. "Anything."

"This is in strictest confidence, Mr. Kelley. None of it is to leave this room, are we clear?"

Jeremy nodded; his defiant stance unmoved.

"As I have said, this country will be at war and soon."

"How soon?"


Jeremy nodded. He did indeed know that war was inevitable, and he had suspected it would be soon. That it was so near as to worry this secret organization or that it would reach this far out west he had not expected. He glanced around and grabbed the chair leg with his foot, dragging it under him as he sat. He leaned forward on his elbows and fixed a hard stare on Captain Smith.

"Talk to me Smith." His voice was hard with an edge he'd never known he'd possessed. But Vicky and the children were threatened and that stirred a fierce desire to protect them at all costs. They were his whole world. And there was nothing he wouldn't do to keep them safe.


By the time they'd reached the gates of Fort Fillmore Naomi Beth was cranky, exhausted and demanding Capa. Vicky hoped this would go quickly. Perhaps she could take Jeremy home with them, because of course this had to be a mistake. A horribly impossible ridiculous mistake. Vicky had been here several times before with Jeremy and Quin so she knew where to go.

She stopped the buckboard in front of the commanding officer's office. She lowered her steps and climbed down. When she turned to grab Naomi Beth two soldiers stepped through the door.

"Ma'am" they nodded before they turned away.


Naomi Beth had finally reached the end of her energy reserves and burst into tears. With a mental cringe, a stab of guilt, and a prayer of thanks she took the weeing wailing child and carried her inside.

"I wish to speak to the commanding officer, please."

"Yes Ma'am. Do you have an appointment?" he raised his voice a little to be heard over the wailing child.

"No sir. But it is urgent. You see, soldiers came today and carried my husband off. I wasn't there at the time but he was in Las Cruces so I came here first. There must be some terrible mistake! We're absolutely sick with worry, soldier. Surely you can see what this has done to us!"

She let her voice rise and spoke with the hurried frantic voice of a helpless frightened woman. Naomi Beth wailed loudly and Vicky managed to squeeze out a few silent tears.

"Oh!" she reached for her stomach as the baby gave a particularly violent kick. In a heartbeat the soldier was around the desk easing her into a chair.

"Thank you, the situation—"

"I understand Ma'am. I'll see what I can do."

He nodded and retreated through the door to the inner office. Vicky sent up a prayer.

Please let Jeremy be alright!


The boy's mare was a good horse. He recognized the brand when he was changing over his bags. She was Arrow Q stock. She was young he sensed she might run all day without tiring. She seemed to sense his urgency for when he touched his heels to her side; she opened up and ran like the wind. He made good time and galloped up to Fort Fillmore in no time.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now