Chapter 21

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Dinner was lively as the men tossed all the news around and discussed options and alternatives and all the other consequences. Vicky sat quietly, absorbing the impact of the news. She felt so numb inside. She tried to console herself. After all, she had heard from Jeremy and Pappy had had the presence of mind to send back word about the twins with the strange messenger.

Part of her hoped he'd get the news and rush home to them even as her heart knew he wouldn't. He had a special gift and he was called upon to use it. She couldn't ask him to change any more than she could change how she felt about staying out west. At least now she knew he didn't leave her. Like many women in history she'd joined the honored ranks of a Soldier's Wife.

Quinton was acutely aware of the change in Vicky. She'd dutifully prepared dinner, cared for the guests needs and put Little Bit to bed. Then she withdrew to the kitchen where he could hear the china dishes clanking as she cleaned up. Quinton would have thought perhaps she was feeling ill had it not been for the news from Jeremy.

His heart pulled him toward Vicky, knowing she'd need comfort. But he knew that what his family needed most was protection from the attacks that would surely come in the very near future. Already men were gathering in Texas in preparation for the war that was no longer pending, but immanent. He'd keep them safe at any cost.

At the moment Vicky desperately wanted to be alone to reread the letter from Jeremy. He hadn't sent a private message and the letter itself was very short. Perhaps if she was alone and could really think about it she could read between the lines. Perhaps there was a reference or other message for her hidden in the letter.

After she finished the dishes she peeked in on the men. They were deep in debate and would be fine for hours on the whiskey they had. Besides, she thought as she checked in on Naomi Beth, Quinton knew where the cellar was if he wanted more. She changed into her nightshirt and sat, propped by a pillow to reread the letter.

I cannot say more than I am alive and well and that I think of you always.

I write to warn you, as this dreadful war will surely become a reality. Many men on both sides will die. Please take extra precautions so that you are not among the number.

There is a bill in Texas that will renounce the United States. If it is passed (as most surely it will be) war is forthcoming. Already men have been rallying to Texas in preparation for war.

Their first objective will be to take New Mexico Territory. There is much whispering as to the loyalty of the New Mexico soldiers, since they are so close to Texas and many sympathize with her. It is truly a dangerous place to be!

Please prepare for attack very soon. It is estimated that there will be Southern troops invading New Mexico as early as March! Do everything you can to ensure the safety of our family. If you must, flee to California. It will be safe there and perhaps Mrs. Larraby and Ernest can help you.

I must go. Do not worry for me. I will find you after the war.

Vicky read and reread the letter that was contained on a single page. She wasn't even sure who you was. Nowhere was there a mention of anything personal that could not also be addressed to Quinton. There was not even a signature, although she knew the handwriting to be his. It was a generic, anonymous warning!

She sat there searching and rereading the letter again and again. Finally, her eyes burned and she could read it no more. She tipped her head back. Her eyes burned as tears filled them and spilled down her cheeks.

She missed Jeremy so and desperately wished to see him just once, just for a moment. War was here. People would die. Her friends would die. Her husband was gone and the most agonizing part was that she did not know where he was or even if he was all right.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now