Chapter 07

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He awoke with a start. After a second of disorientation he remembered where he was and why. It was yet early in the morning, not far past midnight. So why—?


He sat up suddenly and reached for his rifle. Leaving his hat and boots he rolled from his bedroll and moved into the shadows. Thankfully the campfire had burned low so he didn't lose his night vision.

Another sound, someone kicked a pebble and he heard it skittering across the ground. Whoever was out there was trying to be quiet, but wasn't too good at it. Or, he thought as he backed toward a copse of trees, they really didn't care if he heard them coming.

"Far enough." He heard the cold voiced warning at the same instant he heard the unmistakable sound of a Spencer Rifle. It was the newest thing in rifles, or so his contact at the post had said when he'd been issued one not three weeks back.

"Next shell's for your gut if you move another muscle."

He froze.

"Drop it."

He dropped his own Spencer Rifle.

"Kick it away."

He obeyed.

"So you want to use the underground to the south?"

It wasn't a question really so he didn't speak.

"Well, it's called underground for a reason. The way is secret and guarded by the Knights. You, my friend, are not a Knight yet you know about the underground?"

Again it wasn't a question.

"In fact, after careful scrutiny "sir", it has come to our attention that you are not who you claim to be."

He swallowed hard. Depending on how deep they'd dug into his cover he might live through this encounter.

"In fact, you are more than you seem. Many of us toil under assumed identities. That is not our problem with your story."

He sent a prayer, that god would keep his soul and take care of his sister. His heart stopped and he gasped as several men stepped out of the shadows wearing white robes and hoods.

It was to be an execution. He blanched when he saw the hangman's noose. Maybe if he went for the knife in his belt they would just shoot him.


The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now