Chapter 33

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Jeremy rode, chewing the inside of his cheek to distract himself from his discomfort. He'd never ridden so long before but he wasn't going to complain. He'd no clue what awaited him in California. They/d hinted at his replacing Laramie but now he wondered.

They were obviously testing him. He'd been put to set up camp, take care of the horses and handle grub every night. He also had first watch every night, which often turned into second watch before his relief came. He'd moved his stash of jerky to his pocket so at least he wasn't hungry.

That evening, after he'd cleaned up the supper mess he settled down to enjoy a cup of coffee before he went out to start watch. He wondered if Boise was a part of their test or if he was just naturally a jackass and a bully. Being the new guy he'd expected to be put through the paces but Boise was starting to get under his skin. Yesterday it was all he could manage NOT to punch him in the nose.

Quin and Smith had seen to it Jeremy could handle both rifle and pistol. Perhaps not as efficiently as they, but he was a quick study. He'd never outdrawn Quin but the last time they'd practiced, Quin had laughed and said he was "fast enough". He grinned at the memory.

They'd both given him tips for survival and tried to teach him about fighting. His grin widened. They'd both learned quickly Jeremy could handle his own in a brawl. He thought back to the fight he had the day he and Vicky were reunited in Franklin. Now that had been a good fight!

"What are you laughing at?" Boise's deep voice boomed accusingly.

"Just remembering." He bit back another angry retort and schooled his face to an expression of semi-friendliness.

"Remembering that wife of yours? Did she ever let you watch while she was busy with your Captain friend?"

Jeremy felt his blood rush. Keep a cool head and don't let an enemy rile you with words. The advice was sound but hard as hell to apply. It was a good time to build on the backstory that Smith had worked so hard to lay for him.

"Boise, Vicky was never my wife. She's my sister-in-law. My wife Elizabeth is buried in Las Cruces in the little cemetery by the church. Elizabeth was faithful until the day she was taken from me in a terrible train wreck. So 'friend'," Jeremy clenched his jaw. "You'd best get your facts straight!"

He all but growled the last words. Friendliness be damned. This had to stop!

"That ain't what I heard. Ways I hear tell you—"

Boise never finished. Jeremy tossed his cup to the side and launched himself at Boise. His fist connected squarely with the man's nose knocking him back. But Boise was a big man with a good six inches and at least fifty pounds over Jeremy. He rallied quickly and Jeremy dodge a head shot that would have knocked him senseless.

What followed was later described by Sampson as a fight for the gods to see. Jeremy was battered, bloodied, and barely standing, but he was standing. Boise couldn't say the same, even if he wasn't out for long, it was clear to all he'd lost this round.

"Slim." Sampson called.

"Yes sir?"

"You handle first watch tonight. I'd say Kelley here earned a rest." He chuckled and slapped Jeremy on the back.

Jeremy flinched and swayed on his feet, but he refused to fall just yet. Now he understood what Vicky said when she told him she was standing by sheer will alone because all her strength had gone.

"Clean up and get some rest son." Sampson winked and dropped to the bedroll next to Jeremy.

These men needed to know where he stood, and what he was made of. Jeremy locked his knees and looked around. He took in the looks from astonishment to amusement to disdain. He squared his shoulders and refused to flinch from the spasm. Boise had pounded him into the ground, pinning him against a rock before he'd managed to wriggle loose. It would be a mite sore for a good long while.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now