Chapter 42

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When he'd first heard Coffey's explanation he thought Jeremy was dead. But then the description didn't match and he worried that someone really had attacked Vicky. Edward had seen the currier and it was Jeremy. That means someone attacked Jeremy after he'd left here. At least he would be alright according to Coffey.

"Coffey told me everything but..." Quin looked past Edward to the Doctor as he was climbing down.

"I'll take care of the sheriff. You take care of your wife." With a wink he turned his mount.


Katie helped the doctor while Quinton paced in the kitchen. Half an hour later the bedroom door opened.


"She'll be fine." He smiled and looked pointedly at the coffee pot.

"Have a seat doc." Quin offered as he poured coffee into one of Vicky's china cups. "Coffee?"

"Thank you." He sipped the coffee and sighed. "I found bruising on her arms and ribs but no other signs of abuse. Whoever attacked your wife left before any serious harm was done. From what Mrs. Larraby tells me she was very distraught."

"When I found her on the ground she was wet and cold. She was crying and I couldn't..." the words choked him.

"Yes," the doctor jumped in as if Quinton hadn't stumbled on his words, "Well. The laudanum Mrs. Larraby gave her will take care of that. She may have one more dose later if she needs it, but no more. Beyond the bruising, I don't see any ill effects. She's not feverish at the moment and that's a good thing. I don't think she'll catch a chill. Just keep an eye on her for a few days and let me know if you see any changes."

"All right," his stomach was suddenly unsettled. Now that the danger had passed, the remembering of the way Vicky looked when he found her...He swallowed. "Thank You, Doctor."

He walked the doctor out and returned to Vicky.

"I'll stay with her, Katie. Please tell Reuben I won't be working on the roof today."

"Don't you worry. We'll take care of everything else. You just take care of that wife of yours. She'll need you when she wakes up. We'll be fine." She patted his hand as she went past and closed the door behind her.

Quinton started to sit in the chair and then thought better of it. He knew it would be a long wait, so he might as well be comfortable. He walked around and sat on the other side of the bed to take off his boots. Leaning against the headboard with his legs stretched out comfortably, he folded his arms and closed his eyes.

He knew there would be no rest for him once the laudanum wore off. Vicky would want to discuss Jeremy's visit. And although he would rather not, he knew he should tell her what happened on the road. It was best she heard it all from him rather than bits and pieces elsewhere. She'd worry herself sick!


Jeremy woke up several times on the run to Fort Baker. He wanted to be safe within the walls before Boise could take a shot. In the state he was in, he was a sitting duck. He woke up while Doc was bandaging his shoulder. Faye was there, er...Kelli. He'd shake his head except the room started spinning when he turned to look at her.

"You're fine Jeremy Dear." She said gently, "Bullet went clean through and doc here cleaned you out and got it all patched up."

"You're a lucky man. Another few inches north or south and you'd be dead."

"I was mounting my horse. I guess the bandit was trying to blow my head off and missed. Either way..." His mouth felt like he'd been chewing on sand.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ