Chapter 44

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As the first rays of light streaked the grey skies, Jeremy stopped the buggy at the edge of the clearing. The park was expansive and flat. The trails wound around through various ponds and flower arrangements. A few saplings offered shade to a bench here and there. There was a flowering shrub here and there, but like Smith said nothing there could offer cover.

He resisted the urge to handle the derringer tucked in his sling or toe the rifle tucked at his feet. He scanned the park and saw nothing out of the ordinary. That didn't set well, for he should have seen Boise or Kelli he looked at the sky and started toward the center of the park.

Boise would show himself. The man was a bully. He'd want a chance to lord it over Jeremy before the kill shot. The sound of a horse drew his gaze. He stopped the buggy and waited. Boise rode up with Kelli draped across his lap. She was trussed up, bound hand and foot.

"Let her go." Jeremy called.

"Or what Kelley? You gonna kill me like you killed Kid and Slim?"

"You know I can't do that. I'm unarmed."

"You gonna whoop me again then? Like you done last time?"

He laughed and threw Kelli to the ground. She let out an oomph as she hit the ground and struggled to get up. As she managed to sit, she met Jeremy's eyes. They exchanged a look and she hoped he understood. She just needed a few minutes.

"I didn't kill Slim, although I would have liked to."

"He gave you a little souvenir. Way I hear it told, he near blew your head off."

"He missed by a mile. Just gave me a sore shoulder is all."

He kept his gaze on Boise, and tried to keep the man talking while his peripheral looked over at Kelli. Kelli had already been worked over from the state of her clothes and the bruises he could see but now she was working at her bindings. Boise must have missed the small blade she pulled from her boot.

"Slim was a schemer. He always was planning and plotting but he never could follow through."

"I gotta hand it to him; I never saw it coming."

Kelli cut free her feet and was working on her hands. Boise laughed.

"Meaner than a badger he was. He'd kill his own mother for a dollar."

"At least he didn't back-shoot me."

"Back or front it don't matter none. Dead is dead. And it's what you're fixing to be. Now get down and step away from the buggy."

"Alright. I'm going. Don't' get jumpy now. I only got me one good arm and I'm not too steady on my feet. It'll take me a minute or two."

"I ain't got all day." He pointed his pistol at Jeremy, "and neither do you."

He laughed as though it were the funniest thing ever. Jeremy jumped down and grabbed hold until the dizzy passed. As he did, he let gravity slide the derringer into his palm. Kelli was free.

"Alright, Boise. I'm here like you said. Let Kelli go."

"Aw, now why would I want to do that? Me and the little woman already spent some quality time together, didn't we Darlin'?"

He leaned over, grabbed a fist full of her hair, and yanked her to her feet. She screeched but had sense enough to keep her hands and feet together. Boise hadn't figured out she was free yet, or that she had that little blade.

Jeremy raced the new possibilities through his mind. Kelli wouldn't be able to get to the rifle in the buggy. He probably wouldn't either. That meant he needed to get close enough for a headshot. This was gonna hurt like hell if Boise got hold of him.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora