Chapter 41

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"Damn it!" Jeremy cursed under his breath as he hurried back to his horse.

He wondered how much the boy had seen. He'd sworn not to see her again, but then he'd read the journal. He knew about Naomi Beth and he had to see them, to tell them...

Hell! Just what did you think you could tell them? You're a damned fool is what you are Jeremiah Kelley!

He reached his horse and checked the scraps he had tied over the feet to help obscure his tracks when he broke from the main trail. He looked up at the sky and hurried on. The shadows he used for cover were disappearing with the morning. He needed to get back to the main trail before Slim figured out where he'd gone.

You shouldn't have come at all and you know it well! But you're thinking with your cock is what you're after you bloody idiot! Now you'll be lucky if you don't lead them to her!


He stopped in the trees along the main trail to watch and listen. He was sure no one followed him. He inched out until only a single tree partially obscured him. He watched and listened again. Vicky had taught him that you look quickly and don't focus but instead you look for the thing that is out of place.

When he was sure he was alone he dismounted. He knelt to remove the scraps and tucked them in his pocket. All that remained was to put as much distance as possible between him and Vicky before he ran into Slim. As he started to mount a shot rang out and he felt himself falling back. He had the presence of mind to grab his rifle as he fell.

He was glad Mrs. Smith had insisted he take a fresh mount when he left last night. The borrowed army mount hardly moved despite the rifle fire. Jeremy rolled on his back and inspected his shoulder. He dug one of the rags from his pocket and stuffed it under his shirt pressing it to his shoulder.

"Damn!" He hissed.

He moved again. He needed to see if this was Slim or if it was the soldiers. He needed to know how many were out there. He needed to find a way to...

Another bullet hit the dirt a few feet to his left. He fired off an answering shot and rolled clear as another shot hit where he'd been. It wouldn't take long for whoever it was to find a new vantage point.

You God-damned son-of-a-bitch! You just couldn't stay away! No! You just had to see her you dim-witted love-struck fool! Now you've stuck yourself in the fryer and led them right to Vicky! You'll be damned lucky if you don't get yourself killed this time!

As if reading his thoughts another bullet sent dirt flying mere inches from his shoulder this time. He sent off an answering shot as he hurried to his feet and ran in a crouch back toward the tree line. He dove behind a tree as another shot rang out.

He cautiously peeked around the tree trunk when another shot rang out. He ducked back.


Two more shots sounded and he realized someone else had entered the fray. He wondered if they were from the farm, then he was glad they'd found Slim first. He started to stand but sank down and let his head fall back against the tree as he waited for a dizzy spell to pass. He was losing too much blood. He packed another rag into his shoulder and sucked air through his teeth.

Damn! Vicky was right. Getting shot is a bitch!

Several more shots rang out then it was quiet. He waited to see if the victor was friend or foe.

"Hello the trees." Someone shouted. "U.S. Army. Stand down!"

Jeremy sighed in relief. Slim (he dared to hope) was dead.

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now