Chapter 01

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Quinton and his men were just off a three-week campaign and he was feeling it way down deep in his bones. He chuckled. Even if his wits were sharp as ever, his body felt the passage of time as the cold ground seeped into his muscles leaving tell-tale aches and stiffness each morning.

No sooner had they reported back to Ft. Bowie when Quinton was immediately summoned to the commander's office.

"Very good, Captain McClintock. I will be sure to include a summary of your report with the dispatch to Fort Stanton. My regular man is out on leave so I will have to postpone the dispatch until he returns." He looked pointedly at Quinton.

"I know the country well, sir, and I can carry the dispatch." He cleared his throat and looked pointedly back at his superior. "That is if you can spare me, sir."

It was ironic. He had been looking forward to a few nights in a real bed yet before an hour had passed, he was back in the saddle riding east. There was risk riding alone through Apache territory but he would make it through. And the commander had given him a week with his family before he had to ride back to Ft. Bowie.


Vicky heard the dogs going crazy and glanced at the clock on the mantle. Jeremy was home early? Wiping her hands on her apron, she glanced at Naomi Beth playing on the floor and walked toward the door. Stepping out to the porch she saw a rider and realized immediately it wasn't Jeremy.

Her hand went to the pistol in her hidden pocket as she stood casually, watching the approaching rider.

"Quin!" She shouted as she leapt from the porch and ran toward the gate.

He waved his hat and rode in through the gate at a gallop. He leapt from his horse and swept her up in a bear hug.

"What on earth are you doing home?" she said when he set her on her feet.

"I came to see my daughter, of course." He chuckled heading for the house. "And her parents." He threw back over his shoulder.

"She'll be so happy to see you." She laughed. "She started talking you know."

"Really?" He turned at the door.

"Well, she only says papa and only when she sees Jeremy."

"That's to be expected." He scooped up his daughter who squealed with delight. "She hasn't seen her father in..."

"Six months." She almost whispered.

Quin looked up at her, uncertain. She turned her back on them and was working in the kitchen. He thought he heard...

"Capa." Naomi Beth said, clapping her chubby little hands on his cheeks, once more capturing his full attention.

Vicky shook her head. She was only sad because poor Naomi Beth was separated from her father, and she and Jeremy were separated from their friend. Besides, he was involved in Indian Wars. It's not like he was at some cushy post behind a desk somewhere. It was natural to worry that she might get a telegram one day...

She looked over her shoulder as she reached for the flour jar to mix some biscuits.

How could I ever explain that to Naomi Beth?

"Damn." She cursed as she dropped the flour jar and it shattered on the floor.

"Are you alright?" He had his daughter on his arm as he raced around the corner.

He sighed in relief as he saw her sweeping up a broken jar.

"It's just the flour jar. I'll go out to the cellar and bring in some more."

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now