Chapter 43

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Vicky felt content as she stirred from sleep. She rolled back and bumped into a warm body. She felt strong arms tighten about her waist and pulled her tight. She sighed.

"Jeremy." She mumbled.

"Sh. It's alright. I'm here. You're safe." He murmured.

She realized with a start that Quinton held her. She started to rise but he held her. She realized from the fading daylight coming through the window that she'd been asleep the better part of the day. Quinton had obviously kept vigil and stayed with her.

His protective embrace and his comforting words meant she probably tossed in her sleep, maybe she had nightmares. She remembered Jeremy; it was like seeing a ghost. Just like that he was gone again and she was alone again. She would have thought it a dream but for Quinton's presence. Did she tell him she'd seen Jeremy?

She didn't remember much after Katie insisted she drink some medicine to calm her. She must have been in a frightful state. She patted Quinton's hand and sighed. He was right, she was safe...and so was Jeremy. Not wanting to disturb Quinton, and still sleepy from the laudanum, she settled back to sleep.


Their strange little family was rather shaken after the sheriff rode off. Reuben and Edward sat quietly playing checkers in the parlor. Penelope retreated to Zeke's room to read to him. Quinton, of course, went to be at Vicky's side.

Katie was too upset to do anything. She just sat in her rocker on the porch, keeping company with her thoughts. It was a lucky thing that Penelope had come for a visit.  Katie knew what friends the two women were and thought it must be a comfort to Vicky to know that her friend was here.  

Penelope, of course, immediately decided to stay a few more days, to be sure that Vicky was good and truly well before she returned to town.  Katie was till alone with her thoughts when the sheriff came back. 

"Sherriff." She greeted without rising as he dismounted and looped his reins on the porch rail.  

"Is Mr. McClintock about?" he asked politely as he removed his hat.

"The Captain's inside with the Missus.  Come on into the kitchen then.  Help yourself to a cup of coffee while I fetch me son."  She pointed to the stove then turned down the hall, leaving him to fend for himself.

She stopped outside the door and listened.  It was quiet.  She slowly cracked the door open and listened again, not wanting to intrude.   It was silent so she peeked inside.  They were still sleeping. Quietly Katie slipped into the room and paused a moment at the sight of them curled up on the bed. She smiled sadly as she went around and set a hand on Quinton's shoulder.

"Quinton." She whispered. "Son?"

He stirred.

"Sh." She whispered.

Quinton blinked awake and gently rolled away from Vicky. She stirred but didn't seem to wake. He sat on the edge of the bed and smiled down at her before he turned to Katie.

"The sheriff is back. He says he needs to talk to you."

"Thanks." He smiled, "Ma."

She smiled and preceded him from the room. She passed through the kitchen to resume her commune with her thoughts in her rocker on the porch. She wished the badness would leave them with the setting of the sun.

"Sheriff." Quinton held out his hand.

"Mr. McClintock."


The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now