Chapter 35

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Jeremy pictured Vicky on their little shooting range they'd set up looking like she must have as Vic Bradley. Her hair tied back, her britches tight, her shirt loose, and her gun hung low. She took a deep breath and as she exhaled, her face became stone.

She focused so intently he wondered if she was even going to draw and then suddenly the bottles exploded and the cans flew one after the other until she'd emptied her pistol. He took another breath and felt his heart calm.

He watched Kid intently; saw every shift of hip and shoulder, every twitch of hand and jaw. He read the man, each gesture turning the page toward an inevitable end.

Kid shouted random insults, mostly regarding Jeremy and his manhood. Jeremy knew it was a trick to distract him, to rile him up and make him sloppy. Fear was swooping in, squeezing his heart with talons of panic. Jeremy took another breath and heard Quin's low even voice coaching him as they practiced out at the Arrow Q after Vicky's abduction and rescue.

"Remember, fastest isn't always best. You're dead... whether you were first to clear leather or not. Fast is good, but make sure to hit what you're aiming at the first try."

He took another breath. Not two minutes had gone past since he stopped. Time was slow, viscous, dripping along like molasses in the cold of January. Kid just shouted a particularly vicious insult regarding Jeremy's lineage. Suddenly his eyes squinted and Jeremy just knew. In the beat of a heart, Kid extended his arm and his pistol was there in his hand.

As Kid thumbed the hammer, his face suddenly registered shock. He looked down and saw the blossom on his chest. He clutched his heart, coming away with a bloodied hand. He looked at his hand, then at Jeremy. He blinked as his knees buckled and he fell on his face in the street. Jeremy blinked and realized his arm was also extended, his pistol smoking in his hand.

With another heartbeat, the world came rushing back. The sounds, the people, everything. Jeremy lowered his pistol and tucked it into his holster. He spared one last glance for Kid, and returned to the livery on shaking legs.

"Robin!" Forcing a confidence he didn't feel he tossed a coin to the stable boy. "I'm going to Ft. Baker. I'll be back by morning; if the Sherriff needs me he can leave word at the hotel or send word to the fort commander."

"Sure thing Mr. Kelley." Robin grinned as he plucked the spinning coin from the air.


Vicky made a lot of progress by the time the sun finally set. Too tired to bother with a bath, she dragged her feet to the pump for a quick wash-up before heading to bed. She let the cold water flow, and impulsively stuck her head under it. It felt heavenly, even if it made her look like a drowned dog and broke every rule of ladylike behavior.

Her babies were fed and sleeping soundly, so she just kissed them and shuffled on to her room. With a sigh, she peeled out of her clothes and wriggled into her nightshift. Coming out from behind the screen she sighed with wonder at how inviting the bed seemed. At the moment it looked more like the clouds of heaven than a mere bed of brass and straw.

She'd thrown the covers back and was just climbing in when a knock sounded at the door.

"Just a moment." She drew her shawl over her shoulders and opened the door a crack.

Quin was there with a tray. After a second glance at the tray, she realized it held a sandwich, some cheese, and apple slices and...

"Is that milk?" She felt her stomach rumble as she stepped back to admit him.

"Yup. Betsy said she milked it fresh an hour ago and it's been sitting in the stream chilling."

"For us?"

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now