Chapter 53

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September 7, 1861

Mrs. Abigail McKinney

Boston, Massachusetts

Oh Abby, I regret that it has been so long since I've written. It's so hard to believe that the joy of that wonderful Fourth of July could be so quickly dispelled by the harsh realities of war.

I don't know how much you know of the news from our homes, and I'm sorry if this repeats but I thought you might like to hear about it.

Early in August word reached us that Fort Fillmore fell without a single bullet fired. The Confederates burned it to the ground! Shortly after that the Confederates captured Mesilla! Ethel says they renamed it the Capital of the Arizona-New Mexico CONFEDERATE territories! She worried their march to California would go unchecked. She was nearly hysterical in her letter.

However, I can happily tell you that was NOT the case! The troops Quinton trained here in Fort Pointe were mobilized and marched to join the troops already stationed at Fort drum. From there they were sent out to various places to fortify against Confederate attack. I feel like a mother hen, worried about all my little chicks. But honestly, I couldn't be more proud of them.

I know you must remember the horrors we suffered on our journey near Visalia. And I am sure you remember my telling you about the continued danger there to our soldiers. And I remember telling you about Henry and Penelope courting. What you don't know is that our dear friend Henry was sent to take charge of the fort there. We were sad to see him go.

But we had a delightful little wedding a week before he left! Penelope is no longer the widow, Mrs. Gordon. She is now Mrs. Heinrich Schmidt! Reuben and I were both a little sad too, thinking we would say goodbye soon. But we are both very happy now, since he is staying with us!

You see, though General Schmidt took a detachment to strengthen the Union presence at the fort, he and Quinton fear it is still not enough men to do much other than become a slightly larger target. After our experience on the wagon train Penelope felt Reuben would be safer with us, and of course, we are delighted to have him!

He is such a bright and eager boy. I have grown to love him very much and shall miss him dreadfully when the time comes for him to leave us.

I was sad to see Penelope go, of course, but Henry and Quin have promised to sneak our letters in with the military dispatch. It's the only way we can be certin our letters will get through. I do so hope you get this letter!

The babies are so big now. They sit up by themselves now and they are such fun to be around. I really have no shortage of help as the men are always eager to play with them.

Quin is well and sends his love. We have had no word of Jeremy these many months, but I am sure he is still alive. I can feel it in my bones.

My but this is a long letter. I'd best save some news for next time. Please write soon. I miss you so!

All my love,


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