Chapter 20

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Vicky was anxious to hear the news but no one mentioned it the next morning at breakfast. In fact, if she hadn't known that a secret sharing took place, she wouldn't have suspected a thing. They carried on as always and by the end of breakfast Vicky dismissed last night's session as nothing more than a male gossip hour.

She smiled to herself as she went about doing the wash, as she always did on Monday. Cato carried the wet clothes to the clothesline for her. She felt wonderful. The day was warm for December but still crisp. Her fingers were cold as she hung the wet clothes.

Quinton and Louie wouldn't be back for lunch and they'd be late for dinner. Cato was out working on the new barn. He came back up to the house periodically to check on her and see if she needed doing for. Naomi Beth toddled her way around the yard chasing ants and whatever else she could find. Vicky's thoughts wandered to Jeremy and she sent up a silent prayer.

With such a pretty day she suddenly didn't feel much like working but it was washday. She signed and squatted down awkwardly to retrieve the last shirt from the basket when a sharp pain seized her, taking her breath away. She stooped, hands on her knees, unable to stand as she willed herself to stay calm until the pain passed.

It'd been going on and off like that for about a week now. Abigail told her to expect it. Her midwife called it "false labor". It was just the baby doing a practice run for the big day. As long as the pain was on again, off again, there was nothing to worry about. It was when the pains came regular; back-to-back with only a few minutes in between that they would need a doctor.

A second and a third pain went before she was able to stand again. She knew that the pains were definitely more intense and becoming more frequent—several times a day at least. She'd talk to Quinton at supper because it was getting close to the time and he'd need to stay close.

Quinton was nervous as a fox in the hen house and she finally shooed him out of the house. He was reluctant to leave and made her promise to send Cato for him at the first sign of anything. She shook her head at his protectiveness. It was endearing. Once more she thought of Jeremy and sighed. Lord how she missed him. Strange that Moses and Jebb never arrived though.

She gathered up the eggs to make biscuits and a pie for dinner. She felt so tuckered she had to rest a spell on the porch. She'd just managed to calm the spasms when a couple of riders came up the road.

Speak of the Devil!

She might've run to meet them, but today she was so swollen she could scarcely walk.

"CATO!" she yelled with all the strength she could muster.

He came running from the barn like his pants were on fire.


He slowed and waved to her then changed direction.

They tied up at the porch and when Jebb caught sight of her profile he whistled.

"Now looky that! You going to have twins?"

"Doc doesn't know."

"When you..."

"Any day now. I can hardly wait."

"That'll change." Moses grumbled to Jebb under his breath. The two shared a laugh over a joke that Vicky missed and dismissed.

"What took you so long to get here? Jeremy tell you I'm not leaving?"

"Sure he did. You got any coffee?"

"I'll do you one better. I got whiskey!"

"Lord bless you girl. But you..."

"Not a drop since I found out, I swear!"

The Vicky Series: Book 2: Saving a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now