Bullies Always Prosper

Start from the beginning


I turned at the sound of a horn honking. That little slut Emma swiveled her head and i started laughing nudging Harry. She looked like she was about to cry. Harry snickered next to me. Emma finished putting everything away before running toward the car where her mom sat tapping the wheel. She threw open the door and practically jumped inside. She was probably going to cry to her mom later. The thought made me smile wider. The car took off and Harry and I turned back to Liam.

"Why do you always have to do that!" Harry said shoving Liam in the chest. Liam didn't respond he didn't really budge either.

"I told you why and i also told you to. Stop. Messing. With. Her." Liam said grinding his teeth trying not to get angry. Liam didn't get angry often but it was scary as shit when he did. Harry rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I still can't believe you defended her. She's so annoying." Harry said looking toward Louis for confirmation.

"Yeah Liam. She's such a pris." Louis chipped in rolling his eyes. Harry gestured toward Louis.

"See! Nobody likes her." he dropped his arms. Liam said nothing.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you do." Harry said. Again nothing. Liam was taking in deep breaths, glaring at Harry.

"She was my best friend til you dragged me into this shithole." Liam growled.

"Oh I'm sorry. Maybe your shithole of friends will just leave. I picked you up off the ground. I can bring you back down." Harry said menacingly getting in Liam's face.

"You don't have the balls." Liam said lowly.

"Hey now easy guys." Louis said stepping in pulling Harry back. I grabbed Liam's arm in a firm grip just to make sure he wouldn't hit Harry.

"Calm the fuck down you guys." i told them.

"Tell him that! He thinks he's all high and mighty! you were a nerd Liam! A nerd!" Harry said a bit loudly.

"Quiet mate." Louis said hoarsly pulling him farther away from Liam as he tried to lunge for him.

"And all you are is a dirtbag. You're never going to get anywhere in life like your worthless father." Liam spit out. Harry stopped struggling against Louis who looked about as shocked as i felt. Liam looked like he wanted to swallow back his words.

"Get. Off. Of. Me." Harry said lowly. Louis let go instantly but he didn't attack Liam like i expected him too. Instead he looked Liam up and down a hard look on his face.

"You know i didn't mean that." Liam started to say.

"Don't." Harry shouted. We shut up. Probably all stopped breathing too. Harry grabbed up his backpack from off the ground and slung it over his shoulder. It was covered in sliver sharpie doodles. Some of his own design but mine were in there too.

"Harry." Louis said as he began to walk away.

"No." Harry said stopping a few feet away and looking back at us. "You know. If we're such shitholes why'd you even become my friend?" Harry asked staring straight at Liam. "No i don't want to hear it!" Harry said cutting off Liam who had opened his mouth. Liam snapped it shut. I actually heard the noise. "We're all dirtbag's Liam. You, Me, Zayn, Louis. You're not any better than us." Harry stalked off pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of his dark skinny jeans. He pulled out a lighter and lit it up.

"Harry!" Louis shouted in a final attempt to get him to calm down and come back.

"You know what!" Harry shouted back turning around to face us while walking backwards. "Suck a dick." Harry shouted pulling the cigarette out of his mouth and making an obscene gesture. We all made a face at him. Harry turned back around putting the cigarette back in his mouth. Liam yanked his arm out of my grip.

"That was a low blow." i told him.

"You don't think i know that?!" Liam asked still angry, turning toward me. "Just fuck off." Liam said straightening the strap on his backpack and walking away.

"Liam what the hell." Louis said.

"Get off my ass." Liam shouted back. Louis and i shook our heads.

"They'll be better tomorrow." i told Louis picking up my backpack and taking a long drag on my cigarette.

"They better be." Louis said his hands shaking as he tried to light a cigarette. Louis always got nervous when when fought. He was like Liam. Harry picked them both "off the ground" as Harry likes to say. Liam the nerd, and Louis with stutter and knack for being invisible. All they needed was some cigarette's and the right company to bring out the worst in them. "I'll see you tomorrow." i mumble walking away. Louis doesn't reply. I don't think he heard me.

I turn over onto my back letting my hair hang off the end of my bed. I shift my glasses up higher onto my nose and hold the book slightly closer to my face. I only use these glasses at home when I'm reading, after i take out my contacts. There's a small knock at my door. My mother. "Come in." I say loud enough so that she can hear. The doorknob turns and my mother steps in. She has brown boring hair like mine and dull brown eyes like me. The bad eyesight I get from my dad but other than that I am in every way like my mother. She's still wearing her work clothes. Pencil skirt and neatly pressed blouse. She dusts off her skirt and folds her hands in front of it. I know that gesture well. She's going to talk to me.

"How was school?" I roll over onto my stomach and close my book.

"It was ok." I say slowly wondering where this is going. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear nervously.

"I saw you talking to Liam today." my heart drops. That's why she's in here. She never could grasp that Liam and I weren't friends anymore. She couldn't believe that sweet little kid that I always ran around with when I was younger had been buried deep under tattoos, and cigarettes. "What did he say?" She asks tentatively.

"Nothing, he helped me pick up my books that's all." I said looking down at the ground. I had never told her I was being harassed at school. She has enough on her plate already. Her job runs her like an animal. She's rarely home. I almost never get to see her. I sigh and look back up at her.

"Oh.. Ok." She says slowly. She turns and walks out of the room shutting my door with a small click. I breath out and flop onto my bed staring at the ceiling. Other than Liam I never really talked to anyone. Occasionally I will speak with fellow "nerds" or "scholars" as Harry likes to call us but even they can't stand me. They think I'm stuck up because I have the highest GPA in the class. Well in the whole school actually. I'm just trying to get good grades so I can get a full ride out of here. I know my mom won't approve but I want to leave England. I want to move to the states. Get as far away as I possibly can from Zayn and forget all about my crappy life. I roll back over and stare at my pile of textbooks I've so neatly stacked on my desk. I sigh and look at my ground knowing I should start my homework. I've finished most of it already I just haven't finished my history work. With another heavy sigh I pick myself off my bed and sit down at my desk to bury myself in school.

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