Chapter 48

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Alice's P.O.V

We had everything set up for our first rehearsal. Helen sat in the audience with the girls to watch us rehearse. Once I had my keyboard all ready to go, I walked to the edge of the stage.

"Are you ready from your end Helen?" I asked

"I am. Are you guys?" Helen asked in return. I turned to look at the boys who were all in place.

"I think we are" I said

"You're going to rock this rehearsal just like you're going to rock tonight's show" Helen said

"Thanks for your supportive words" I said. I then walked back to my keyboard. Paul looked at me.

"You ready to start, my love?" Paul asked

"I'm ready" I said. Paul smiled and winked at me. We then started our rehearsal.


Our rehearsal went extremely well. We got an applause from Helen and the girls.

"That was great you guys!" Helen said.

"Thanks Helen" I said. I felt Paul wrap his arm around me and he spun me around so I was facing him.

"You were amazing, love" Paul said

"So were you" I said. Paul pressed his lips against mine. Our kiss was interrupted when Ethel and Mary nudged their way in between us.

"Mommy! Daddy! You did great!" Ethel said.

"Thanks Ethel" I said, giving her a hug. Paul had picked up Mary and now he was holding her in his arms.

"What did you think Mary?" he asked his daughter. Mary started to clap, telling us that she liked it.

"Thanks, little one" Paul said, kissing Mary's forehead.

"Where's Stella?" I asked.

"She's still with Helen" Ethel said. I looked over and saw that Helen was holding Stella. She was standing close to the stage while she chatted with Denny. They both wouldn't stop smiling.

"Paul?" I said

"What is it, love?" Paul asked

"It seems that Helen and Denny are getting along really well" I said. Paul looked in the direction of Helen and Denny.

"Do you think they like each other?" Paul asked

"I think they do" I said. Ethel started tugging on my pant leg.

"Mommy, I'm hungry" Ethel said.

"Alright. I'll just get Stella and then we'll get something to eat" I said. Ethel nodded and I went to go join Helen and Denny.

"Hello" I said, gaining both of their attention. They both looked at me.

"Hi Alice. You did great!" Denny said

"Thanks. So did you" I said

"What do you need Alice?" Helen asked

"I came to get Stella. Paul and I were going to take the girls to go and get something to eat" I said.

"Alright" Helen said, giving me Stella.

"Would you want to join us?" I said

"No thank you. I'm having a very nice chat with Denny" Helen said, looking at him and smiling.

"Alright then. I'll see you two later then" I said. I went to join Paul and the girls again.

"I don't know about everyone else but I'm starving" I said


Paul and I were in our shared dressing room. We had an hour before we were to perform. Instead of getting ready though, I was up against the wall while Paul was thrusting into me.

"Paulie" I moaned

"That's right, baby. Say my name" Paul growled. I let out more moans, feeling his cock deep inside of me, hitting the right spot.

"Fuck...we're going to do great tonight aren't we, baby?" Paul said through his moaning.

"Mmm. We're going to...oh great Paulie" I said. Paul's thrusts got even faster and we were both moaning uncontrollably.

"Baby, I'm gonna cum" Paul said.

"M-me too. Oh Paul!" I screamed as I came on his cock.

"Fuck Alice!" Paul screamed as he came. We both rode out our highs until Paul pulled out of me.

"I suppose we should get ready now" Paul said. I nodded. Paul grabbed his clothes and I grabbed the outfit I had shown Paul the night before. Once we got dressed, I grabbed my make up bag and pulled out my glitter eyeliner.

"Paul?" I said.

"Yeah?" he said

"Can you help me with my eyeliner?" I asked.

"Of coarse, love" Paul said. I gave my eyeliner to Paul.

"Close your eyes, love" Paul said. I closed my eyes for him and he began to apply my eyeliner.


We had a great turn out and an even better performance. The crowd loved every minute of it. After the show, we went backstage where Helen was waiting with the girls, who were really sleepy.

"That was awesome you guys but I think you tired the girls out" Helen said.

"We're just going to get changed and then head back to the tour bus" Paul said

"Actually before we do that, I need a phone. I promised Linda I'd call after our first show" I said

"Alright, love. I'll meet you in the dressing room" Paul said. He kissed me before heading off to the dressing room.

"I suppose I'll take the girls to the tour bus" Helen said. I nodded and she took the girls out to the bus. I went off to find a phone.


I had found a phone and I dialled Linda's number. I heard it ring a few times before there was an answer.

"Hello?" Linda said

"Hi Linda!" I said

"Alice! I was waiting to hear from you! How was the show? I bet you guys did great" Linda said

"We rocked it. Do you guys knows if you're able to make it out to a show?" I asked

"Yes but it's going to have to be the last one on the twenty third" Linda said

"That's fine Linda. I'm just glad you're going to come out for a show" I said

"Do you think we'd miss one of your shows. Joseph and I support you and Paul every step of the way" Linda said

"Thanks Linda. I better go. I have to get changed and then we have to get back to the tour bus" I said

"Alright. I'll see you in Oxford" Linda said. The line then went dead. I smiled to myself as I headed back to the dressing room where Paul was waiting for me.

Maybe I'm Amazed~Threequel to I Wanna Be Your Man~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora