"I don't even know. When Jesus was sitting in their house on the steps, we saw Rick with his shirt off and Michonne standing next to him." Daryl said, with no emotion.

"Well, shit." I smiled. "I- Daryl? Whats going on?" I saw Daryl leaning over and looking out the window.

"I don't- yo Rick! What's going on?" Daryl called out.

"We got a crash ahead." Rick answered. "Look like it just happened."

"It's one of ours..." Jesus said, looking out the window near Abraham. Rick pulled over and we all got out of the RV, and followed. Rick pulled out his gun, pointing it to Jesus, who stood there.

"If this is a trick, it won't end well for you." Rick said.

"My- my people are in trouble." He looked behind him then at Rick. Jesus caught my eyes, then walked toward me. I backed up a little, when he approached me.

"You get it, right? They don't- we don't have a lot of fighters..." He grabbed my wrist, making me widen my eyes in surprise. I tried to pull away, but his grip wouldn't budge.

"Get off." I gritted through my teeth.

"I suggest you take your hand off her and step back." I heard Daryl's low intimidating voice and saw his gun against his head.

"I'm sorry- I just- someone needs to believe me. I know how it looks, but it'll play out." He let go, and stepped away, back near Rick.

"You good, right?" Daryl mumbled, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him.

"Could've handled it." I said, squeezing his hand that was holding my waist, with my left hand. I felt Daryl's face get close to mine, turning his head.

"I know, but you're my girl." He whispered.

"Can I borrow a gun?" Jesus asked. Daryl walked away from me and towards Jesus.

"No... We got tracks right here." Daryl pointed to the ground.

"Let's go." I said.

Rick pounded on the glass door, waiting for any walkers to come forward so we wouldn't have any surprises.

"They gotta be in there." Jesus said.

"We moving in, or what?" Abraham said, as we put down our weapons.

"How do we know this ain't firecrackers in a trash can?" Daryl asked.

"Firecrackers in a trash can?" I mumbled to myself, but Daryl heard me and gave me a look from the side. Sorry, I mouthed to him.

"You don't!" Jesus raised his arms.

"We'll get your people. You're staying here with one of us." Rick said.

"I'll stay back." I volunteered.

"No." Daryl said.

"Really? You're going to do this now? Right here?" I said, earning looks from everyone.

"I'll stay back too." Maggie said. "With her. We'll be fine." Daryl looked at me, then at Maggie. I saw him roll his eyes as he walked to Rick.

Confide in Hope | DARYL DIXON •2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat