"I love you too."


"We're back!" Alex yells, as the three of them walk into the basement. "Hey! Where'd you guys go?" I ask, as Alex plops down beside me on the couch.

"I took them out around LA. I figured I could show them more than you could." Cameron teases from the beanbag chair, across from the couch. "Shut up." I laugh and throw a pillow at him.

He catches it and throws it back, accidentally hitting Alex square in the face. "I've been hit!" He yells and dramatically falls back into my lap. "I think I see the light. Grandma?"

"Shut up." I laugh and push him off of me. Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Vanessa practically jumps out of her seat. Cameron chuckles from beside her and stands up. "I'll get it." A minute or two later, Cameron returns with Booboo and the girls trailing behind him.

"Elena!" Booboo calls. I stand up and give him a hug while Vanessa gawks from her seat. "Hey." I give the girls a quick hug as well and decide to introduce them. "Okay everyone! Sam, Alex, and Vanessa, this is Dove, Sofia, and Booboo."

They wave. "Dove, Sofia, and Booboo, this is Sam, Alex, and Vanessa." I say and point to each one of them. Booboo gives Sam and Alex one of those bro hug things before giving Vanessa a hug. "She looks like she's going to pass out." Alex whispers, causing me to giggle.

The girls give everyone a hug and find seats around the basement. "What do you guys want to do?" I asked.

We ended up playing Just Dance.

Let's just get one thing clear; playing a dance game against four people that star in a musical? Not fair.

We did a tournament and lucky for me, the four of them had knocked each other out. Now it was only Cameron and I left.

This kid's part of a fucking dance crew, how is that fair?

We went head to head in Get Low and I was dying. This song was hard man. "Yes!" Cameron yells as the song ended. "Unbelievable. One point. One point!" I mutter, turning to face him.

"Sorry babe. Better luck next time." he winks.

I roll my eyes and hand my remote off to Sofia. I'm a very competitive person. Like, very competitive. And losing to my own boyfriend? Horrid. "Aw, don't pout." he teases and gives me a quick peck.

"Gross, keep the couplely stuff away from me." Alex squeals running away. I shake my head and stand up. "Guess what I just realized!" Vanessa shouted out making us all look at her. "What?" Alex asks. "Guess what tomorrow is."

"Wednesday?" I guess. "Canada Day, loser. We have to celebrate."

"Oh my God. I totally forgot." I laugh. The other three agree. "Well, Lauryn and Taj are throwing another party tomorrow night. It may not be for the same reason but that doesn't mean you can't use it to celebrate." Cameron suggests.

"Sounds like fun. You guys in?" I ask them. They all nod. "So I guess tomorrow is planned."


The cast had left a couple hours ago and now Vanessa, Alex, and Sam are going back to Alex's aunt's place. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Be safe."

"Will do mother." Sam laughs. I close the door behind them and head upstairs. "El. Sleep with me tonight." Cameron whines as I pass his room. I tell him to give me a minute and head to my own room.

I change into an old shirt and my spandex before taking off my makeup. Walk over to Cameron's room, I crawl into his bed. "So I hear you're quite the basketball player." I say, breaking the silence.

"If I don't say so myself." He smirks. "Well, we will just have to do a one on one game sometime."

"You play basketball?" he asks, surprised. "Yeah, it's just something my dad got me into when I was little."

"You don't talk about you're dad much."

"There's not much to say. He got me to start playing basketball when I was three, and when he took off I kept playing because it was the only thing I had left of him. Eventually, I fell in love with the sport and realized how much of an asshole my dad was. By then I was playing for me, not him."

He pulled me over so that my legs were resting in his lap and he snaked his arms around my waist.

"Do you know what it feels like to wake up to your mothers sobs at three in the morning every night? She tried to keep them silent but I still heard her. I would end up crawling in bed with her and just saying that I had a bad dream. I think she caught on eventually but never said anything. I was five when he left, I don't remember much about him. All I know now is that he's a self-centered asshole that never cared about me or my mom."

A single tear slipped down my cheek but I wiped it away before he noticed. "Hey," he says in a soothing tone. "It's okay to cry."

"That bastard isn't worth my tears." I said with a slight chuckle although there was no humour in my tone. I wrap my arms around his neck and hide my face in his chest as he rubs my back in a calming motion.

Eventually, I just fell asleep.

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