Chapter 4

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Expecting to wake up to another empty house and a note from Libby, I was surprised to find neither.

I did, however, find a Cameron.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" I ask, catching his attention.

"I'm sick." He says before fake coughing.

"Whatever you say Karen." I roll my eyes and start pouring myself a bowl of cereal, which was now becoming part of my morning routine.

He scoffs at my reply before continuing to eat his cereal.

I sit at the end of the island, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. The last few days since I got here he has done anything possible to annoy me or start a fight with me.

It's like my misery pleases him. For some unknown reason he hates me with a passion, and it's starting to piss me off.

I don't know what it is but there's just something about him that gives me a weird feeling. It could be discomfort, irritation, or something else but whatever it is I don't like it.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, his mouth full of cereal.

I snap out of my trance of look over at him. "None of your business."

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever, you we're probably thinking about how hot I am." he says and returns to his cereal.

"Yeah right." I scoff.

He fixates his gaze on me. "Come on, don't deny it. You probably think about me all the time."

"You're so cocky that it's scary." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm not cocky!" he says defensively.

I let out a loud laugh. "Yeah, and I'm Megan Fox."

"Please, you're not hot enough to be Megan Fox." he rolls his eyes.

"Ouch. You know, I'd say that lowered my self esteem, if it came from anyone else. But instead, it came from some cocky, egotistical asshole that doesn't care about anything other than himself or how many girls he can get." I say with my arms crossed over my chest.

By now we were both standing up, completely abandoning our cereal.

"Wow and here I was thinking that anything you said mattered." He says sarcastically.

"Dang, and I thought we could be friends." I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.

He let out a bark of laughter. "That's funny. Truly. I want nothing to do with you, and if I had it my way, you'd be on the first plane back to Antarctica."

"You mean Canada?" I say knitting my eyebrows together.

"Is there a difference?"

"Man, you really are an asshole." I take a step closer to him.

"And you're a bitch." He says also taking a step forward.

By now we were standing two inches away from each other.

I look directly into his eyes and all the anger soon leaves my face but gets replaced by confusion.

"Who could of possibly hurt you this bad to make you hate me this much?" I say barely above a whisper.

His eyes darken and he clenches his jaw looking directly back at me. "Stay out of my way." He says in a stone cold voice and storms past me, up the stairs.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts and confusion written all over my face.


"And then he just walked out?" Vanessa said.

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