Chapter 13

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I don't really know how I feel about Cameron right now.

I mean, we're friends, sort of. But he's been really flirty with me lately.

To be honest with you, I've been flirting back.

We kind of have this thing going, and I don't wanna ruin it.

Everyone is starting to notice a difference in our relationship as well. Booboo and the girls are getting really suspicious as well as the JESSIE cast. No one besides xmob knows about our kiss though. Even they don't know about the second one we had when we got home that night.

On Wednesday, when we had our movie day, we cuddled. It was awkward to say the least. But eventually, we got used to it. He kept his hand on my stomach, under my shirt.

It caused quite a few tingles on my skin.

Today was Friday, which means Cameron's last day of school.

I made him go because he skipped all week.

It honestly surprised me when he actually agreed.

Now, here I am, laying on my bed listening to Sofia rant about how good me and Cameron would be, and why I should try and hit that.

I roll my eyes and sit up, causing her to stop pacing." Sofia! Cameron and I are not getting together, okay? I wouldn't go for him." I say, although I'm not one hundred percent sure it's true.

Would I date Cameron? Do I even like him?

I shake my head clear of the thoughts and focus on Sofia.

This boy was messing with my head.

"Mhmm." she eyes sassily, eyeing me up and down.

"Shut up." I mumble, falling back onto the bed.

"Woah." she mutters.


"You didn't even fight me back on that. You so like him!" she squeals.

"Chill. I don't."

Just as she was about to respond, my phone lights up.


"Okay, so I've been doing some research. You know how you said the other week that Cameron was sending you a bunch of mix signals? Wel-"

"Vanessa." I say. She looks up and notices Sofia in the frame.

"Oh. Hello. I'm Vanessa." she waves.

"Sofia." she smiles.

"Oh! From the Instagram picture, right?" Sofia nods and I cut in.

"So, what were you going on about?"

"Well, I've been doing some Cameron research."

"Some what?"

"You know, reading fanfictions, stalking social media, watching all his shows, looking at YouTube videos, searching him up on Goggle, typical stuff you do to find out about a person."

My jaw hangs open and my eyes widen. "Why'd you do all that?"

"Well, I was learning about him. I found out a bunch of things. Did you know he's half black?"

"Vanessa. I live with his family. Of course I know that."

She rolls her eyes. "Anyways, I found out ways you can fall in love with each other. Usually the boy and girl start off hating each other, then something happens, maybe a day they spend together, or a kiss, then you start getting all confused about your feelings, then you confess and you start dating."

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