Chapter 11

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When I woke up, I wasn't in my room.

It took me a while to realize I was in Maya's. Candy wrappers covered my body instead of a blanket.

A random Zac Efron movie was playing in the background and Maya was snoring away on the floor.

I shook my head laughing and brushed off some of the wrappers before standing up.

I decided against waking up Maya and just went downstairs.

Libby and Victor were sitting at the island eating their breakfast and reading the paper.

They were deep in conversation when I walked in, but quickly stopped speaking when they saw me.

"Good morning dear. How'd you sleep?" Libby says smiling.

"Morning. I slept well, you?" I grab my bowl of cereal and slid in next to them.

"I slept alright. Victor and I have to speak to you kids when they come down. Mainly you and Cameron."

I nod my head but the thoughts of what she possibly wanted to tell us, flooded my brain.

Soon enough, Cameron and Maya lug themselves downstairs and join us.

"Morning kids. We have something to talk to you about." Victor says.

They nod and take a seat.

"Your father, Maya, and I are going away for a few days." Libby says.

"Wait, what? Why don't I get to go?" Cameron asks.

"Well, this is a business trip. Plus, we don't wanna leave Elena alone when we're supposed to be taking care of her." Victor states.

"Well, why does Maya get to go?" He argues.

"She wanted to come." Libby says matter-of-factly. I look over to Maya who shakes her head and mouths 'no I didn't.'

"Where are you guys going?" I ask.

"Miami." Victor says.

I nod my head and Cameron continues to complain.

"I wanna go to Miami!" He throws his hands up.

"Sorry bud." Victor says patting his shoulder.

"Wait, so if you three are going to Miami, does that mean me and Elena are here alone?" he says says slowly.

Libby nods, while Maya smirks. "I'm putting my trust in you, Cameron." she points a finger at him. "No parties, no drugs, don't let strangers in the house, lock the doors, and use protection." She looks between the both of us as she says the last one.

Cameron blushes but nods anyway. "Good. Now, we have to leave in a few hours, so I'm going to finish packing." Libby says getting up and leaving the kitchen.

Victor follows behind her and it's left just the three of us.

Cameron looks at the two of us for a second before getting up and leaving as well.

He still hasn't spoken to me. I'm assuming he's avoiding me because of our heart to heart yesterday.

I don't know why though. I thought we starting to be friends.

Yeah, I still don't like him all that much but I thought if we spent more time with each other, I could warm up to him.

"He's a little cold today. What's up with that?" Maya asks looking at me.

I shrug. "I dunno."

"So, Miami!" I say changing the subject.

"It could be cool, I guess." she shrugs.

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