"Thanks, both of you," I offered them large grins.

Fionna leaned closer to stare at my food in awe, and I offered her a bit of my applesauce. She tried to grab for some grapes, but I shook my head and gently moved the food further away, "No, no, Daddy's beebee... grapes might make my baby choke."

"That!" Fionna shrieked, reaching in desperation for the grapes.

"No, Feenna," I said in a soft but firm tone.

Her bottom lip trembled, but then I dipped my finger into some applesauce and dapped it onto her bottom lip. She screeched in surprise, but as she smacked her lips she giggled. Harry laughed as well, snuggling closer and stroking softly at his belly, "Is such a silly beebee..."

"She's a happy baby girl this morning," I cooed. "But how's our baby boy? Is he wiggly in there?"

I popped a grape into my mouth before carefully moving my arm out from behind Harry to pet at his swollen belly. Harry grinned, placing his hand over my own, "Wiggly when I woke up... but is not kicking still. Not as squirmy as Feenna, I guess."

"Feenna is like you," Harry pointed out. "Loves to be silly."

"You're pretty silly, too, love," I giggled. "Maybe our little baby is just shy in there."

"Daddies love him though," Harry cooed. "Love him so much and cannot wait to meet him. But will wait! Will wait till he is ready..."

I nodded in agreement, cuddling both Fionna and Harry closer as I finished eating. Fionna started trying to crawl around the bed, and it made me nervous that she was going to fall off, so I finally chuckled, "Lovely, do you want to grab our beebee while I carry the dishes back into the kitchen? I'll wash them and then we can snuggle on the couch some more."

"Okay," Harry nodded in happy agreement, holding his hands out for Feenna. She squealed loudly as Harry pulled her close, and I carefully scooted off of the bed with what was left of my breakfast.

Liam had other plans for me instead of doing the dishes, and he took the plates from me and shooed me back into the living room, "No, it's your birthday!"

In the living room, Baxter was standing by the coffee table and bouncing up and down while Fionna was sitting in front of Harry, Lucy purring in front of her while Fionna grabbed and pulled at her fur. Harry reached down and gently took Fionna's hands in his own, moving them softly down Lucy, "Have to be nice to Lucy... like this, beebee."

Fionna cooed, but once Harry took his hands away she was back to patting a bit roughly. Lucy didn't seem to mind, though. I plopped down on the couch next to Harry, leaning and nuzzling my nose against his tummy, "Hey there, baby boy. How come I haven't got to feel you wiggling yet?"

Harry hummed happily, his hand slipping into my hair and petting softly. I pressed a kiss on the spot right above his belly button, sitting back up to watch Baxter and Fionna. The younger lad leaned his curly head onto my shoulder, "Love you, my Louis."

"I love you, too, Kitten," I grinned. "Where's Niall?"

"Had to go to the bathroom," he explained. "We are on baby duty..."

"Baxter seems to be having a good time standing there like a big boy," I giggled. Baxter looked up at Harry and me in surprise, almost as if he didn't know we were on the couch.

"Gog!" he pointed, dropping down onto his bum clumsily and then turning to crawl around the coffee table. He made his way over to us, using Harry's sweats to pull himself up. The little guy flashed us a toothy grin, and Harry giggled.

"You have three teefs, Baxter!" Harry cooed, carefully picking the little boy up. "And you are much bigger than my Feenna, but that is okay, you are almost a year!"

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora