"Dada," said Aryan cutely while wrapping his arms around his father's neck. "Where's my chocolate?"

"Here it is! My little champ!"
He said taking out two chocolates from his jeans' pocket.

"One for Aru and One for Elly." He said and handed one to each of them.

They both shared a look and started smiling as if the chocolates were the most precious thing they had ever possessed.

They immediately tore the packets apart and started relishing the heavenly chocolates. Suddenly, Eleana grabbed some chocolate and touched it with Aryan's nose. Little Aryan was really mad at her. He scrunched up his nose, trying to take a look at it to see if he still looked good.

"Elly yar, Why duh yuh have to do thish all the time?" He whined with a frown on his cute little face and folded his arms in front of him while pouting angrily.

"Aww! Becaz I love to tease my Aru." She replied adorably and giggled.

And then they started doing what they always did. Chasing each other. Aryan finally caught Eleana and smeared the chocolate all over her face and started laughing with a victorious grin present on his lips.

"Aruuuu ke bache! Main tum se baat ni karun gi ab." [Aru! I won't talk to you now.]

Eleana declared folding her arms in front of her chest and pouting, she went inside. Aryan didn't bother much about her because he knew that they would be back to square one within no time. Everytime they fought, it didn't even take 5 minutes for them to forget about it and then play as if nothing happened. Such was their life. Carefree and easy.

Their moms were watching their favourite program in the TV Lounge of the Khans. When they saw Eleana and Aryan entering from the main door, each trying to avoid the other one and walking with their backs facing each other, they started laughing at how cute both of them looked with the chocolate smudged all over their cute little faces.

Aena cupped Aryan's cheeks in her hands and asked politely, "Who started this?"

"Mama, Elly always starts this." Aryan replied innocently, trying to get away with it.

"No no! Aunty. He's a liar. He teases me a lot. Like a lot lot lot. I can't do anything!" She replied with a cute pout, defending herself.

Aena hugged Eleana and Aryan together and made them shake hands. Aryan shook hands with her and hugged her. When everything was peaceful after their little war, Aryan smirked and wiped his hands from Eleana's new frock that she loved the most. Eleana whined and pulled his hair with all her might. They both were busy in their mini world war III when both the mums separated and pulled their babies away from each other to end their wrestling match.

"Now let's go and wash you up. Little devils. You're always messed up." She said, giving small pecks on their cheeks.

After a while, they were both dressed up nicely. Eleana wore a blue plain buttoned shirt with a black mini skirt and Aryan wore casual jeans with a plain white T-shirt and an off-white blazer over that. It was time for lunch. Every Saturday the Khans and the Kapoors had their lunch together. Aena grabbed two baby chairs and settled Aryan on one of that with a belt tied around him so he won't slip. Anushka did the same with Eleana. As soon as they put their favourite snacks in front of them they started digging into the food as if they hadn't eaten for ages. Everyone laughed at this cute sight and the babies gave their parents toothless grins.

All of a sudden, Eleana had some difficulty in breathing. She was taking long breaths and her face had turned pale. She was short of breath. Anushka's face was stern with worry. Eleana's face was all drained out of blood and her lips had turned blue. Virat quickly went to her and patted her back several times. He picked her tender figure in his arms and she lost consciousness. Aena was trying to calm Anushka and Little Aryan was just standing in the corner, horrified at the sight. He was observing all the stuff going around very carefully.
Virat carried Eleana in his arms and drove to the nearby hospital. Aena picked Aryan up and drove with Sahir to the hospital. Anushka was crying. Her little baby girl was in the hospital's emergency room at the tender age of 4 years. Nobody knew what was going on. Aena was consoling her friend and little Aryan was just staring at her from the glass window outside. He was horrified at the sight, seeing his best friend sleeping on the bed with different tubes around her body. He had tears in his eyes as he saw her like that.

Although they loved to tease each other but they were just like Tom and Jerry. They were always fighting but couldn't live without seeing each other every day. They both were like the paddle and the wheel. One couldn't work without the other.

Virat was tensed a lot and Sahir was consoling him and telling him how everything would be alright. Little Aryan was standing on the shelf and looking through the glass window inside the emergency room. That little genius had somehow managed to grab a stool and climb onto the shelf by himself. He jumped down and went towards Anushka. He held her finger and directed her to come with him. She followed him and he asked her to hold him up because he couldn't see clearly earlier. She did the same with him and put him down carefully.

"Aunty, When will Elly wake up?" He asked, worriedly.

"Soon Baby!" She replied caressing his cheek with her hand.

The doctor came out after some time. "Mr and Mrs Virat Kapoor. I'm afraid your daughter had some serious breathing problem. Some food particle must have entered the tracheal region which caused all the problem. But don't worry, she's alright now. We have taken care of it otherwise it could've led to a more serious aspiration pneumonia. Also, you've to take extra care of her as her immune system is much weaker than a normal person and it can prove very fatal for her in future."

Anushka and Virat gave out a sigh of relief, thanking God that their daughter was safe at least. They went inside and hugged Eleana who was now sleeping peacefully. Little Aryan, obviously not knowing what was happening just stood silently in the corner holding the finger of his dad.


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