Revenge, Rivalry, and Friendship

Start from the beginning

"Did she mention why?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope. She just wanted to see you," He explained, and I nodded. "Mind if I walk you?"

I'm confused. Why does he want to walk with me? Apparently, I look terrible, which is just gorgeous. Seriously, no one can love me THAT much to want to be with me when I'm in one of my moods.

Oh, well. Let's just see how this goes, then.


"You want me to be a what?" I asked in disbelief, trying not to get a major eye twitch.

"You heard me. I want you to be a Chunin," Lady Tsunade said easily, elbows propped up on her desk and her hands folded together under her chin.

"But... No! That's bad! I don't do leading. I mean, do you know what happened last time!? I ended up looking like I got smacked in the face with a sharpie!" I exclaimed, flailing my hands around the air although I knew how ridiculous I sounded.

Kiba chuckled from the corner, and I threw a weak scowl his way, causing him to put his hands up in innocence. Innocent? Ninja, please!

"I... Don't understand that... Still, that changes nothing. Every single leader and noble that attended the Chunin Exams were impressed by your skills. They all think you're an exceptional ninja, and that you'd make a great Chunin. Your senseis think the same. I, too, agree. The Third Hokage also agreed, as well," She continued, getting a distant look on her face.

My heart clenched, and I sighed. She was so trying to guilt trip me here... And I'm just a sucker for things like that.

"You don't necessarily have to do it, Minxie. But it's something that everyone's looking forward to. Things happen on missions all the time. There're always going to be difficulties. The way that you get past those difficulties, however, is what makes you an exceptional Chunin. Truthfully, we all know that loss is something that can never be avoided. Sacrifice is essential on every mission," She said, and I sighed once again.

I opened my mouth to say something, but she quickly cut me off. "Just try it, okay? You might do better than you think," She persuaded, smiling at me.

My eye twitched, and I sighed. "Err... Fine..." I muttered, letting my arms hang down as I hunched over in a depressed fashion.

"Oh! I almost forgot..." She began, going for something in her desk, "This jacket is given to all ninja who reach Chunin."

My eye started twitching rapidly as I took the jacket from her, holding it away from my face as if it had some sort of deadly disease.

I'll be honest. I was never a big person on style, like Kylie and Ino are. I usually just wore whatever I found in my closet.

But even I had issues with this jacket. It was so... Not me.

"Considering your current situation... I won't send you on any missions yet. However, once Sasuke's recovered, be prepared to start going on missions again," Lady Tsunade said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I felt an unfamiliar urge to punch the wall once she said Sasuke's name, but it quickly subsided. He would probably be over it by now.

At least that's what I hoped.

"Until then... You're dismissed," the Hokage said, and I nodded, smiling half-heartedly at her. She smiled back warmly, and Kiba and I exited her office.

I was quiet the whole way, holding the jacket in my hand. "So... A Chunin, huh? Congrats," Kiba said, breaking the silence.

"Thanks, Kiba... Apparently, no one gets that I'm not good with the whole leading thing," I muttered, sighing.

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