Liam imagine to Fritzline

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-You are moving

You walk one more time trough the whole house and look i you have missed something. Nope. You walk to the door and sigh. "I'm ready to go" you say and you hear Liam running down the stairs. He look at you and nod. "You think this is the best?" he ask and his voice cracks. You nod. "You're always gone on tours and never have time for me" you say and he nod and look down. "Bye Liam" you say and bit your lip, trying to not start to cry. "Bye Frizzy" he say and your heart jumps when he calls you your nickname. When you open the door and step out you swear you hear a "I love you, forever and always." You open your car door and look back at the house. You are never going to come back, never.

I'm reading trough every comment and write imagines i have forgot or i didn't see them.


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