Chapter 2

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(Thor's POV)

Loki is such a complicated man. Why would Heimdall know why he's upset, much less why he would withhold information? Of course Heimdall is a dear friend and I would expect nothing less than gratitude and kindness from him. I walk across the rainbow bridge my eyes fixed on the golden globe ahead. Small cracks on the bridge are still visible when I used my hammer on it and part of the Bifrost being destroyed. These are hard times. Wars are breaking out everywhere causing all kinds of chaos. In this time of pause though I could at least find the source of my brothers hatred. What have I've done to cause him such anger and distress to make him make the people of Midguard to suffer? What would he gain from ruling them? As far as I can remember when we were younger he had no interest in Midguard. In fact he found it quite bland and pathetic. What made him change so suddenly when we got older? I approach the golden dome and enter through the bottom. The place is still in repair, but functioning fully once again. I see Heimdall standing in the center of the dome, gold eyes fixed on the galaxy ahead. He holds his sword in his hands in front of the him. His gold armor and helmet making a complimenting contrast against his dark skin. He certainly is a worthy gatekeeper.

"Your presence never seems to surprise me. It seems you've been paying me visits more often. Have you come to see Jane Foster again?" Heimdall says not even turning around, but slightly smiling to himself.

"Not quite, my friend." I walk around the pedestal and stand in front and face Heimdall smiling back at him. "You are as bright as the fourth sun, so I can say with certainty that you already have an idea on why I'm here." His smile falters and he looks at me with stern eyes.

"I never would have thought you would have considered Loki's words considering current events due to his actions."

"But, they are true aren't they?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"So you have the answers?"

"...yes." he sighs.

"Will you tell me?"


"Why not?"

"Please understand that somethings are best left unanswered." Heimdall says standing taller and tightening his grip on his sword.

"Heimdall, I beg of you to tell me why my brother hates me so. I do not understand. I feel if I find the origin of his distress then I can perhaps rekindle our relationship and if not at least get him to stop tormenting the Midguardians." I reach out to him.

"Your heart is strong and very loving, but I'm afraid even if you learn the answers to Loki's behavior it will do no good as to him changing at all."

"I want to try." my voice is strong and determined.

"I figured as much, but I still cannot tell you."

"Heimdall, please."

"I'm sorry, I cannot."his voice holding genuine remorse and regret.

"Why can't you? What is keeping you from telling me?"

"My own conscience, my friend."

"What haunts your mind, Heimdall?"

"Promises have been made to keep the reasons hidden in secrecy."

"Promises? What promises?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"The same promises that haunt your brothers mind."

"I see. Tell me. Who promised you and my brother to not tell me of the cause of Loki's hatred towards me and the rest of the universe?" I step toward Heimdall and his eyes trail back to the stars and galaxies.

"Thor, you must understand that this goes much deeper than Loki's hatred."


"Loki's hatred was just an unfortunate effect of this combined with many other triggers that happened in his life. I believe this reason in particular is what sent his mind into turmoil."

"I can only assume that you will continue not to tell me this reason. Will you tell me who can then?" I ask crossing my arms and watching Heimdall search the stars.

"Yes, I can. She lies on Midguard in a secret grove that lies near a forest spring."

"She? Who's 'She'?" I say stepping closer.

"She is the same person who made Loki promise not to speak of the situation." Heimdall smiles sadly to himself for a moment before his face returning back to it's serious expression.

"But who is she, Heimdall?"

"Tell me. Do you remember (y/n)?"Heimdall glances at me seeming to search my face.

"(Y/n)? What about her?" I raise my eyebrow at him and cross my arms.

"She's the one you're going to seek." Heimdall voice becomes deep and serious. A star shoots by shining a bright light into the room giving the atmosphere a sollum one. My face becomes serious and my heart becomes heavy. It's been so long.

"Heimdall, you must be mistaken.....(Y/n)...You know she's..."I couldn't even bring myself to say it.

"Yes, my friend. I am quite aware of her passing. Her death was unfortunate."

"Then you are aware that what you said is impossible."

"No. I am not mistaken. What I said is true. That secret grove is where there is the orb that keeps track of all mortal souls in Midguard. An afterlife of sorts for them. You will approach the orb and call upon the soul you seek and they will appear." he looks directly at me now.

"If this is true, then why hasn't Loki gone to do this? My thought that he would be the first to do this." my suspicion grows with this myth.

"I do not think he knows. If he does then he's wise enough to know not to disturb the dead when they have moved on to their final resting place. It's a dangerous thing to do to be summoning the dead when they've completed their time. You could risk the possibility of something else slipping through unintentionally as you speak to your loved one." Heimdall says taking a deep breath and giving off a warning in his eyes.

"Why do you tell me this then? Wouldn't you want to prevent this from happening?" Curiosity laces my voice.

"I tell you this because I believe you can handle it. I also hear the sadness and desperation in your voice and truly wish to help you. A small token for what you've done for me in the past. Go on. Step up and I will send you to Midguard." he says and I smile. I step up on the pedestal in front of his sword. "I must warn you, Thor. War approaches again soon. If you wish to do this then I suggest you make haste, for they will need you back on the battlefield once more."

I nod. "Thank you, my friend."

He nods and places his sword into the pedestal slit. A flashing bright light appears and I am sent to Midguard once again.

So What did you guys think? Was the characters too influenced and authored influenced? Is the chapters too short? Any suggestions is fine. I'll choose which ones I like and use them if I want. Leave your thoughts in the comments! Tootles!

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