"I'm so happy for you Dan!" You tell him, moving closer.

"Thanks" Dan says, smiling down at the floor, "I really didn't think we would win"

"I told you that you would!"

"I know - which is why I mentioned you in my speech!" Dan winks.

"Yeah thanks for that!" You laugh, nudging his elbow.

Before you can continue talking, you hear the music suddenly slow down and you watch the mad rush of people grabbing partners and pulling them onto the dance floor.

It's that time - the slow dance.

You look at Dan who has his hand out, ready to sweep your off your feet and carry out the dance moves that you had learnt in the hotel room not so long ago. You grasp Dan's hand, making him grin and he guides you over to the dance floor. Just like before, you wrap your arms around his neck and he places his hands on your hips, pulling you closer. Your feet move in sync with each other, to the sound of the song playing and Dan looks lovingly into your eyes. You seriously love this dork and you never want this moment to end; you lay your head on his shoulder and the music playing begins to fade, allowing you to only hear the sound of his heavy breathing and the continuous thud of his heartbeat. You take your head off of his shoulder and he grabs your finger, twirling you around and pulling you back again. Your feet continue to move, as if it is natural now, letting you look up from the floor and into Dan's dazzling eyes. The song finally ends and Dan pulls you close, his lips lingering next to your ear.

"I have a surprise" He whispers, his lips now caressing your ear lobe, "Follow me"

Dan let's go of your sides and reaches out for your hand, leading you off of the dancefloor and back up the steps, into the mansion.

"Where are we going?" You giggle.

"You'll see" Dan smirks, "Don't worry, it's nothing creepy or too erotic"

"Aww what a shame" You reply, sarcastically.

You follow him up the twisty stairs and down a candlelit corridor.

"You sure it's nothing creepy or erotic because I'm slightly concerned you are planning to murder me or something" You joke.

"Nah I promise" Dan chuckles, opening the floral painted door to one of the many rooms.

Dan opens the door wide, letting you walk through and admire the sophisticated décor. He then closes the door behind him and walks over to the mini fridge in the corner of the room, pulling out a large bottle of champagne. He  takes two glasses from the lit glass rack and begins pouring the alcoholic celebration drink into each glass.

"For you madam" He says poshly, passing you one of the glasses and taking a sip of his own.

"Thank you my lordship" You reply in a funny accent, "So what is it that you wanted to show me?"

Dan walks to the balcony doors and pulls them open, signalling his hands for you to exit out of them. With a champagne glass to hand, you step out on to the balcony to see the party beneath you.

"See that star over there?" Dan asks, pointing out into the distance.

You look where his finger is pointing and you see a star that is surrounded by a circle of other stars, except that specific star is brighter than ones surrounding it.

"Yeah?" You ask, sipping your champagne.

"That's yours"

You look at Dan with eyes wide open.

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now