Chapter 21

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A/N if there are spelling mistakes then I'm sorry but I typed this chapter on my phone - Enjoy!

You've decided to just lay on the bed but it doesn't seem to be able to calm you down - no one is there to hold you. You think of the things Dan is doing right now: is he angry still or sad or has he completely removed you for his mind to focus on Hollie?

Just her name is enough for you to freak out.

Did you take things to far? Where you overreacting? Dan has only just met the girl and you are already assuming he is attracted to her! It's just the look he gave her that kills you. It's not really his fault that she's so god damn perfect! What even is perfect? Something you feel that you're not.

To be honest, slapping Dan was just the anger Hollie caused and you took it out on him. You feel so guilty and if anything was to happen between you on this holiday, it's not gonna happen now.

"Hello?" Louise says, walking into your room.

You roll over to look at her with bloodshot eyes and a blotchy, tearful face.

"Oh my god" Louise gasps, running over to the bed and sitting next to you, "Hunny, we need to talk"

You sit up, tears rolling down your face and lips quivering.

"I know what happened" Louise tells you, sighing, "What made you want to do what you did because it's not like you!"

You exhale and reply with "Hollie."

"You've only just met her (y/n)! Hollie is harmless and what did Dan do so wrong to deserve that?"

"Hollie is not harmless. She's venemous! I can tell! The way Dan looked at her just killed me and I-"

You quickly realise that Louise doesn't know how you feel about Dan. Well you practically just told her.

"(y/n) if Dan looking at another girl makes you want to slap him then you must like him" Louise smiles.

"I do" You admit, "But that's not why I'm angry! Hollie of all people is the one he was checking out and the look she gave me told me that she already hated my guts! Dan looked like he had forgotten I even existed! Then when she left he kept teasing me and then he yelled at me - I did what I had to to knock some sense into him!"

"Well I saw it coming that you like him but not this! Dan can't forget you easily (y/n), he adores you!" Louise says, putting an arm around you.

"Well I've ruined that now" You sniff.

"Broken pieces can be fixed" Louise says, reminding you of the words Dan said to you when you were in the bathroom.

Does he still stick by those words?

You look down at the hand you hit him with and notice it was the hand with the promise ring on it. You hurt Dan by throwing his own promise back in his face - literally!

"I don't think I can face him" You say wearily, "I've ruined everything! He probably hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you" Louise sighs, "He looked heartbroken earlier and no matter how much Hollie talked to him, he wouldn't respond"

"Well, where is he now?" You ask, looking up at Louise, confused.

"Phil ended up showing Hollie around and Dan went to the park - he said he needed some fresh air" Louise tells you.

You quickly stand up and pick up Dan's jumper. You put on his jumper again and your white converse.

"If he picks up my broken pieces, I'm picking up his!" You say determindly.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Louise smiles greatly, standing up and holding the door open for you.

You race out of the door and down the hall, looking for the exit of the hotel. You walk outside and begin running up the streets that you're not very familiar with, searching for Dan.

Eventually, you reach the gates of the park you were in which is now lit with street lamps - it's looks so pretty in the dark.

"Dan!" You exclaim, running trying to find the brown-haired dork that you're in love with.

Your eyes look across the pond and see Dan sitting on the bench you were sitting on when you hurt your knee. You decide to run as fast as you can to get to him and as you do you watch his eyes meet with yours and Dan stands up from the bench.

When you reach him you jump into his arms, hugging him tighter than ever before. Dan wraps his arms around you and you begin sobbing on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Dan, I was such an idiot, I never want to hurt you again" You cry.

"It's fine" Dan whispers, running his fingers through your hair, "I needed that slap to realise what a douche I was!"

"No Dan! You weren't a douche! I got jealous and anger took over me" You tell him, placing your cold hand against the cheek that you hit.

"Jealous?" Dan grins, looking puzzled.

You roll your eyes and reply with "Yes Dan. Did you see her? She was basically perfect!"

"Yeah maybe to society she is but not me" Dan says, looking seriously at you, "She has no imperfections because she's fake. On the other hand, you may have imperfections but to me they are perfect and you're 100% real!"

"Dan, I love you so much, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" You tell him, smiling and now crying happy tears.

"Of course I forgive you because I know you have forgiven me in the past too" Dan says, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, "But I have to say, you've got a good hit!"

Dan chuckles and you giggle, rolling your eyes and laying into his neck.

You begin shivering again as the temperature has dropped greatly. You watch Dan place you on the floor again and take off his jacket, putting it around your torso. He then sits down and grabs your hips, making you sit down too. Dan puts his arm around you and holds you close, your cheek against his.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you back there" Dan whispers.

"It doesn't matter Dan, let's just forget it ever happened" You tell him, placing your head on his shoulder.

Dan leans closer to you and plants a kiss on your cheek. This time it wasn't just a quick peck but it was a heartfelt, delicate sign of affection, that he took time over. You look at his glistening eyes and the park around you: fairy lights on the branches of bare trees surrounds you and nothing else.

Dan smiles at you, showing his dimples that drive you crazy. If only you were to kiss right now. That would be perfect. Instead, you decide it has been a long day and so you lay your head on his shoulder, so that he rests his chin on top of your head. You don't need to say anything because everything you want to say he already knows. After tonight, you only have one more night until the award ceremony. Maybe Louise is right. Maybe Dan has brought you here for a reason. Whatever it is, you can't wait.

A/N yaaay argument over! Sorry for putting you through emotional pain after the last chapter but your comments were pretty funny - amazing how writing can give someone so many feels!! Haha ;D What do you think will happen at the the ceremony? Comment below and vote if you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks again ~ Katie ^.^

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