Chapter 11

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You have been on the plane for about an hour already and you have not had one awkward silence between you and Dan yet! In fact, there is a man behind you that keeps asking you to keep the noise down and watching Dan apologise and then turn around to reveal a devilish grin with a cheeky glint in his eyes, makes your stomach do flips.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the plane!" Dan whispers, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Mr Rebel over here" You giggle, poking his side.

Dan smirks and places his hand on your leg, sending a shiver up your spine.

"You cold?"

Crap - you seriously need to be more careful!

"Uh yeah a little bit" You lie.

"Here" Dan says, taking off his coat and wrapping it around your shoulders.

"Thank you Daniel" You smile, laying your head on his shoulder.

"You tired?"

"A little" you yawn.

"Same" Dan replies, placing his head on top of yours, "Just wait for the jet lag to kick in!"

"What is jet lag?" You ask.

"You won't be asking that when we get to the hotel!" Dan scoffs, "It's like a mixture of tiredness and pain"

"So like a hangover?"

"Haha, yeah I guess so" Dan chuckles, grasping your hand and rubbing his thumb against it.

You snuggle into Dan more and begin to feel your eyes flutter as you drift off to sleep. You can't hear anyone talking anymore and you can now only see darkness - peace at last. Even the sound of the plane's engine s drowned out by the sound of Dan's breath. Perfection.


After a few hours of being in Dan's arms, you open your eyes and look to your left to see Dan sleeping. If you could wake up to Dan sleeping  every morning, you'd never wake up in a bad mood: his long eyelashes are gathered on his pale cheeks, his lips are slightly pouted and his fringe has fallen. You love admiring his perfections and if you could just press your lips against his at this very moment, you wouldn't have to think twice!

"You may now take off your seatbelts"

You are quite startled by the announcement and look to see Dan still asleep. You slowly unplug your seatbelt and escape Dan's grasp to find where Phil is sitting - might as well make conversation whilst you have the chance!

Walking down the rows, you find Phil and climb over a few laps to sit in the vacant seat next to him.

"Hey Phil!" You greet with a smile on your face.

"Oh hey (y/n)!" Phil says, "Get bored of Dan?"

"Haha, kind of - he fell asleep!"

"Yeah, he does that on flights" Phil tells you, "We still have a couple of hours left, do you want anything to eat or drink whilst we have the chance?"

"Uh sure" You reply, "But I left my purse above mine and Dan's seats"

You go to get up but Phil grabs your jacket to pull you back.

"Don't worry about that!" Phil tells you, "I'll get you something, it's only airplane food!"

"Oh thanks Phil" You smile, walking down the aisle of the plane to the food trolley with Phil. You gaze upon bottled drinks and packets of food and look up to the lady behind it.

"Hello madam, can I get you anything?" The lady smiles.

You look up at Phil for an answer and he rolls his eyes, jokingly.

"Yeah can we have two bottles of coke and two sausage rolls please?" Phil asks, pulling out his wallet.

"Sure" The lady says, pulling the rolls and bottles out from the trolley, "Free of charge AmazingPhil"

What was that about?

"Oh thanks" Phil smiles, winking and grabbing the food and walking back down the aisle.

You also walk down the aisle and take a seat back next to Phil, as he hands you the sausage roll and the coke.

"Thank you" You say, taking a sip from your drink "But why didn't you need to pay?"

Phil takes a bite of his roll and covers his mouth as he replies with "It's becoming a regular occurrence with Dan and I"


"Our Youtube accounts are becoming more popular than ever and just serving us is becoming an honour to people" Phil answers, "I know, it's weird for us too but we just go with it"

You stay silent as you know that Phil wasn't intending to sound full of himself but the fact that getting things for free has become 'a regular occurrence' for them, now that they are all famous, scares you. If they have people practically falling at their feet with free things, they might become obsessed with the fame. You couldn't face seeing such genuine dorks become like that - especially not Dan. You finish you roll and wave goodbye to Phil as you walk back to your seat.

You sit down back next to Dan and he is still sleeping perfectly. You keep your eyes on him as you connect your seatbelt and think about what it would be like to lose Dan. You feel yourself tearing up slightly so nuzzle into him, to keep the tears back. You never want to be heartbroken by Dan - he's too good for that! You watch his eyelids flutter and a smile emerge on his face as he wakes up.

"Hello you" Dan smiles, stretching his arms.

You smile back at him and pass him your bottle so he can take a sip. Hopefully, after the trip to America you'll be with him and you won't have to worry about him changing or hurting you ever again. You love Dan and losing him would crush you. Instead, you let the thought escape your mind and get comfortable for the remaining hours of the flight you have left.

America here we come.

A/N Will fame change Dan? Let's hope not! Sorry I haven't updated since last week but I promise I'll keep you updated when I can! Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment if you are enjoying this :) Thanks ~ Katie

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now