Chapter 7

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After another moment of cuddling, you begin to yawn and become unable to keep your eyes open so Dan picks you up and takes you back to his bedroom, to lay you down on his bed. He pecks your forehead and leaves the room to watch an anime that Phil won't shut up about. You manage to get some sleep but you keep procrastinating about you and Dan.

You really meant it when you told Dan that you loved him and you hope that Dan meant it when he said he loved you too.

You are so excited that you are going to America in a few days time with the boys; you have never been abroad really and being able to spend 2 weeks in Florida with Dan sounds so perfect. You thought about all the things you could do whilst you were out there and what the possibilites were.

After a long time of dreaming of scenarios, you decide to get out of bed and search through your bag of clothes that Dan had brought you. You rumage through the bag pulling out some black joggers, a bright pink bra and a white vest top.

You find your purple, polka dotted makeup bag at the bottom of it with a note taped to it saying "Just because I think you are better without it doesn't mean you are happier without it ;) x" which is clearly Dan's smudged left-handed writing. You smile at the note, place it back in the bag and pull out some deodorant and the perfume that Dan loves.

You put the bag to one side and get dressed so you feel a lot more freshened up. You grab your hairbrush and quickly tie your hair into a ponytail and walk out of the bedroom, feeling confident.

"Is that footsteps I hear?" Dan's excited voice echoes down the hall, from the living room.

You walk into the living room and see Dan and Phil on the sofa in their browsing positions. Phil just waves and gives you a friendly smile whilst Dan holds back a smile as he eyes you up and down.

"Hey" you say, walking over to them and sitting on the opposite side of the sofa.

"You feeling better now (y/n)?" Phil asks.

"Yeah I am" You reply, smiling.

Phil mumbles "good" and continues to scroll through tumblr on his laptop.

You notice Dan, from the corner of your eye, still looking at you, but you decide to tease him by ignoring him. He notices your failed attempt at ignoring him and you look away quickly to stop him from noticing your grin.

"I don't bite you know" Dan laughs, poking your side. You roll your eyes and look back at a cheekily smiling Dan. You scooch closer to to him and he puts his arm around you, giving you the feeling of butterflies all over again.

He always seems to be able to do that.

"All bright eyed and bushy tailed now, sleeping beauty?" Dan asks, tweaking your nose.

"Yeah I am" You giggle.

"So are you excited about going to America then (y/n)?" Phil questions.

"Of course I am!" You reply, "I literally can't thank you guys enough!"

"Well I'm not taking the credit!" Phil says, looking to Dan, "It was his idea and he was the one who pleaded to the production company for hours"

You turn to face Dan who is blushing like crazy.

"I know he did" You whisper, pushing your forehead up against his so you are looking into his glistening, chocolate brown eyes, "And I am so grateful"

A small smile appears on Dan's face and his hand grips your waist to pull you closer to him.

"Hey guys, sorry to ruin the moment but are you guys ready for dinner?" Phil asks, coughing awkwardly.

"Oh yeah" Dan says, letting go of you and looking at Phil, as if he has just snapped back into reality, "I think we might have spag bol mix in the cupboard actually"

"Oh yeah! I'll go and make it if you want" Phil insists, standing up and placing his laptop on the coffee table, "You guys can decide on a recipe and make dessert if you want"

"Sure" You smile.

For once, you are actually starving and can't wait for dinner. Not to mention baking with Dan!

A/N Meh so this was basically a filler chapter but there is more ahead! I am so glad that people are enjoying this and that you can't wait for updates so I'm going to try to update as much as possible! Feel free to comment and vote as you wish and please share this with your friends! Thank you! ~ Katie

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now