Chapter 19

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A/N Just to clarify, it is now back in your POV ;)

You decide to kill some time by going for wander, so you put on Dan's black hoodie and your white converse - it feels weird going alone. As you walk down the hallway, you hear Dan and Phil laughing which makes you feel quite upset at the thought of Dan being fine without you, whilst you're not without him. You continue walking  and hear a familiar voice practically shouting from further up the hall. You can't quite put your finger on who it is but as you look up you see a colourfully-dressed, blonde walking towards you.

"Oh my gosh, hey (y/n)!" Louise yells, running up to you and smothering you with a hug.

"Hey Louise, are you staying here to?!" You ask, smiling into her embrace.

"I am!" Louise says, "I'm guessing you're here with Dan and Phil!"

You look down at the floor and shuffle your feet.

"Well yeah, they were able to take me with them but they're busy so I'm not seeing much of them" You admit, frowning.

"Oh dear, that's odd for them considering their tour ended not so long ago" Louise states.

"Yeah it was last minute"

"Aw that's not very fair on you" Louise says, crossing her arms, "Well now I'm here, so you're no longer bored! Plus, I'm starving so do you want to get something to eat?"

"Sounds good" You smile.

"Come on then!" Louise says, leading you down the hall.

Obviously, you'd prefer to be with Dan but Louise is so lovely and such a laugh that she might just cheer you up and make you forget Dan for a while. You reach the entrance of the restaurant and Louise opens the door, letting you walk in and look for a table. You both walk over to the table and sit down, picking up the menus as you do so.

"I could eat the entire menu!" Louise laughs.

"So could I!" You lie.

You struggle with eating quite a lot. Some days are different and you could eat anything but sometimes, you feel so sick that you'd rather never eat again. It started ages ago, when you were being bullied. Dan's always trying to get you to eat when you refuse to and even though you know he's only tying to help, you wish he'd just leave it

"Are you girls ready to order?" The waitress asks, pulling out her notebook.

"I think so! Could I have some fries, some steak and a tea please?" Louise says, folding her menu.

You look back down at yours and just the description of the food makes you feel sick.

"I'll have a burger, some fries and a glass of lemonade please" You say, knowing full well you probably won't eat much of it.

"Is that all?" The waitress questions, scribbling our orders on the notebook.

"Yes thank you" Louise smiles.

The waitress walks away and a wave of sickness comes over you making you hold onto your stomach. You have the urge to be sick but you know you need to suck it up and hold it down.

"Are you okay?" Louise asks, looking down at your stomach.

"Never been better" You lie, gritting your teeth.

"You've gone incredibly pale (y/n)" Louise tells you, leaning across the table.

"I'll be fine, don't worry" You tell her, hoping your words are true.

"So how's thing with you and Dan going?" She asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he's brought you all the way to America, it must be for a reason!" Louise exclaims, "Not to mention, you're wearing his jumper"

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now