Chapter 15

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Fluffing up Dan's hair turned into a tickle fight and after admitting defeat, you both decide to go for a walk in the park . After all, it's time to get out of that hotel and discover America at last!

"Ready?" Dan asks, putting on his black, grim reaper coat.

"Yeah" You reply, opening the door.

As you walk out of your room and walk down the hallway, Dan grasps your hand and begins to skip. He begins to whistle as he does, swinging your hand back and forth, making you laugh.

"You're such a dork" You giggle.

"And proud~" He sings.

"So where exactly are we going?" You ask, walking towards the exit of the hotel.

"Just for a wonder" Dan responds, "There's some really nice parks around here"

"Sounds good!" You comment, squeezing Dan's hand.

You walk down the street, looking at all the scenery and enjoying every breath you take in of the American air.

"You can smell the freedom!" Dan jokes.

Dan guides you through a gated entrance which leads to a path through a park with a pond and many trees. You continue to walk hand in hand with Dan and then he spots bench and yells "Race you!"

You roll your eyes and begin to sprint after Dan as he runs with his legs splaying all over the place. Eventually, you catch up to him and just as you go to overtake him, he rugby tackles you to the floor.

"Dan!" You squeal, falling into the mud.

"I'm not being beaten by a girl!" Dan jokes, standing up.

"You're actually a spoon!" You hiss.

"Hey, if you're going to name me after a utensil can I at lease be a spork - they're so useful!" Dan chuckles.

"No because you aren't useful and you can't multi task!" You glare, jokingly.

"Ouch!" Dan says, raising his eyebrows, "That hurt right in the feels!"

"Good! Oh and by the way..."

You begin to sprint towards the bench and yell "I'm going to beat you!".

You look behind you and watch Dan chase after you like an excited puppy. Eventually you jump onto the bench, beating Dan and hitting your knee as you land.

"Ow!" You yell, holding onto your knee.

You look up in a daze, watching Dan run faster than ever with an extremely worried facial expression displayed on his face. As he reaches the bench, he crouches down and elevates your leg onto his.

"Are you okay?" Dan asks, anxiously.

"Yeah" You pant, "I just hit my knee on the way down"

Dan pulls your trouser leg up and looks at your very swollen knee cap.

"Jesus!" Dan exclaims, "That's gonna bruise if we don't get some ice on that!"

"It's fine Dan" You lie, pulling your trouser leg back down.

"Come on (y/n)" Dan sighs, "We need to get it sorted!"

"But I want to relax here with you"

Dan smiles sympathetically and perches next to you on the bench. You lay your legs across his lap and he places his hand on your knee, slowly rubbing up and down your leg.

"You are so stubborn" Dan laughs.

"But you put up with me" You grin, watching dimples show on his face.

If We Just Lay Here // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now