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What did she mean by "game"?

My mind begins to spin, this was a mistake. A huge mistake.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea..." I mutter.

"Oh come on Emma, don't be the lame one." Maddie nudges my shoulder.

Everyone else begins to laugh.

"Oh my lord, fine." I roll my eyes.

"Great." Kaitlyn sends a smirk my way.

"We're going to play dare or dare." She states.

"What the hell is that?" I ask.

Jacob laughs, quickly hiding it.


Kaitlyn already told me her plan. It was very mean. But I didn't want to make her mad, so I'm going along.

She said we were gonna play Dare or Dare and Brianna was going to dare Emma and I to go into the basement in the dark.

Then Kaitlyn wants me to sneak out, leaving Emma down there, locking her in.

Kinda messed up, I know.

"Okay, Maddie Dare or Dare?" I ask her.

"Hmm, I'll have dare please." She grins widely, causing me to laugh.

"I dare you to go across the hall and kiss Bryce." I raise my eyebrows up and down.

Her face becomes a light shade of pink.

Everyone starts to laugh. Besides Emma, she just glances over at me.

I wink at her, earning a small smile.

Maddie gets up, exiting the room.

"Okay" Brianna takes a deep breath.

"Emma, Dare or Dare?" Brianna asks her.

Here we go.

"Dare of course" Emma giggles, her laugh is so cute.

"I dare you to go down in the basement with Jacob, 10 minutes, and no lights on." Emma looks shocked. I begin to feel nervous.

"T-that's not a good idea." She stutters looking over at Kaitlyn.

"Go ahead." Kaitlyn smiles.

I get up standing directly over Emma, holding my hand out.

She takes my hand.

"Okay, let's go." I lead us both out of the room. The pressure is on.

We both wander through the large house. Kaitlyn's house was huge, a lot bigger than mine.

I come to a door, the basement. It wasn't creepy like most basements, thank god.

Emma walks down the stairs first, I following close behind.

I almost trip over something when she catches me, we both laugh.

"Sorry about that." I say.

"It's okay. What do we do now?" She asks me, I can only see a small portion of her face.

"Let's sit down?" She nods her head.

I sit against a wall, with Emma sitting next to me.

"Hey Jacob can I tell you something?" She whispers.


"I'm scared of the dark." She giggles, the same noise I've grown to love.

"I'll protect you." I laugh, placing my hand on her thigh. She tenses under my touch.

"Don't be nervous." I say.

"I-I'm not." She stutters.

"Then I guess you won't mind this." I say, placing Emma so she's sitting in my lap. I smile, this isn't so bad.

My phone goes off, signaling me I have a new text message.

'How long does it take? Hurry up Jacob.' The text says.

It was from Kaitlyn.

I can't do this. I'm not going to.

Instead I decide to place both my hands on Emma's lower back. She places her forehead against mine.

Just kiss her Jacob. My inner self tells me.

I place my lips against hers, moving them slowly. She tugs at my hair. Which causes me to smile through the kiss.

All of a sudden a light is turned on. Shit.

"Are you kidding me?!" Kaitlyn screams. I quickly get up off the floor, attempting to wrap my arms around her. She shoves me away.

"No, both of you, out now." She says, tears rolling down her face. I messed up. Major this time.

I just look at her, then back at Emma.

"I said now!" She yells louder than before.

Emma walks up the stairs first, I following close behind.

We both walk out of the front door. Kaitlyn really wasn't kidding.

"This is great." I sigh, resting my head in the palm of my hands.

Yikes, hope you enjoyed that lol. Love you ❤️❤️
      - B

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