"Conan, I know there is no one here but I guess I should kill you." I said with a deep tone. Conan held his tranquilliser watch an aim at me. I smiled but frighten to get shot by that needle. Like, does it hurt me?

"Wait- Ani-" Kaito spoke until Conan aimed at men firing it. I, somehow, very close, dodged his needle thing to make me sleep and it almost hit Kaito even. How was I able to dodge it? I don't know. However, it was his last one anyways. Wait, oh no-

He jump on the couch and his belt blew up a soccer ball and I knew something bad was going to happen. Rule number 1: Never threaten Conan with the BO stuff and lie to him. Decision regretful.

"Wait- No Conan that was only a-" I tried explaining until my gaze went straight to his shoes. The time as been very precise right now to get killed.

He turn on his power shoes and while the soccer ball got off from his belt. Shot it towards me and I instantly knew I had to dodge it and duck down. "T-The hellish soccer ball..." Kaito mumbled. His face is mixed with bewilderment and petrified.

However, the bad thing is that it bounced to the wall and hit Kaito at the head while he still sat on the couch and knocked the heck out of him. He face planted on the table unconscious. I glance down to Kaito then up to Conan. The expression of him was very serious and nothing truly figures me how the heck did it happen in all less than 30 seconds. Frightens me really.

"Okay Conan-kun," I breathe in, clutching my chest tightly, hoping he will believe in me, "let me just explain please just give a second I never meant to provoke you I just know a lot of things about you." I said all too fast but I think he understands it, I started panting. He relaxed for a second but still standing on the couch. I sat still, quietly on the couch, just waiting for a response or anything coming from his mouth but sweating by how intimidating he is. He then ask.

"How would I believe when you're not part of that organisation? You could still be faking it." He said, observing my clothes and my face. I was sweating nervously, trying to keep up my act and trying to not mess my words.

"How would I fake it?" I nervously question him, quivering a little bit. Then continued, "I wouldn't be able to use those guns and I can't possible kill a human being now can I? I don't seem to be very scary." Well yeah, I am very neon with yellow and green. He glared at me suspiciously.

I sighed. This isn't going to be a good friendship. I am worst at making one though.

"Okay this is how much I know about you. Edogawa Conan, alias Kudo Shinichi. Birth date is May 4. Once in the Tropical Land you solved a roller coaster murder case and followed that one men in black. You witness an exchange between the business man and that men in black until a sudden hit on the back of head knocked you. They fed you a prototype of the drug Apotoxin 4869, an experimental poison drug that suppose to kill you. However fortunately the poison didn't kill you but instead shrunken your body and you're now in your own 7 year old body."

Conan's eyes were wide open as soon as heard that. But he wasn't that convinced at this state. "Introduce yourself a bit more detailed. And how do you know all of this?" He said. I guess his kiddish voice change now.

I shrug. "Alright...My name is Ani Nur, as in fact I am 14 years old. I came from the other world where everything seems truly boring. I have been transferred here from a mysterious unknown door I entered and found myself here. The reason I was avoiding you from before is because I was finding a way and thinking of things. And I hate those kids you know, they're annoying sometimes. Detective boys while there's like 2 girls that are not boys." I shake my head in disappointment, acting.

"Oh! And for that second question, that I just came here by knowing that all." I said. I began sweating. He won't believe my words if I just said 'I watch you solve mysteries of every case in a show'.

He fixed his eyes on me, just making me shrug, he then respond, "however I don't truly trust you that much. But for now, what brings you here? You must have a reason." He sat down on the couch again, just deeply into my soul. Alright. I might have to hug him later. No, I will. It's an objective I have to complete. Cuddle him and carry him around like he is my own child. I heard his cough and my thoughts broke. Ugh the reason...

"I do have a reason. But you have to cooperate with me. I need you to help me bring down two different kind of organization. I could really use some of your help."

And quickly find out what is that mysterious grin about.

"How are you involved with the organisation?" He asked.

Do I have to say? Oh my god.

"I am not involved with the organisation but in fact, I would like to find out more about my weird flashing images that occurred inside my head. The mysterious devilish grin. I thought it would be related to the BO." I said, very professionally. Okay that is not like me.

"Ani-chan, would like to explain more detail? Why would flashing images occur inside your head?" He inquired.

"The first event had already been occurred. Though I will explain it to the beginning. Before upon entering the door to your world, I had flashing images inside my mind, constantly changing. I had a headache from that, it was painful. Although, I could just barely remember them. The first, a red shooting star fallen onto my eye then-"

"Wait, into your eye?" He stopped me for a moment. Of course he wouldn't believe me like that. I have to show him. I took off my glasses and place them on the table. Then my contact lenses. His jaw dropped as soon as he saw my red eye. I touch my eye again. It's like a real jewel.

"Surprising ain't it? It's a actually a jewel inside my eye. Though I never knew it would happen like that. I was just expecting it to just fly through my heart and kill me. But instead, it is preserved inside my eye." I sighed deeply.

I put in the contact lenses back on my eye and wore my glasses again. I stare at him, focused. It's so way different when you don't know what is Conan thinking and thoughts. The next time he gives you smirk, he might of thought of a deduction which that might irritate me. Like, explain it to me! Now, he's furrowing his eyebrow. Crossing his arms. Now what, are you going to kick me out now? I haven't achieve my goal to hug you yet. Wait, I can just do it now.

I stood up, walk around the table and smiled at Conan. He glance at me oddly, making a confused face. I smiled wider, carrying him under his arm. He started to struggle, saying, "w-what are you doing! Put me down!"

"Conan-kun- no, Shin-chan! You're so cute!" I death hugged him, squeezing him. "I was dying to meet you and Kaito-kun. I love you guys both. I even made a story about you both."

"Me? And him?" They both spoke. Wait Kaito was awake? Maybe that knock out wasn't that hard. I stop cuddling Conan as I twist my head around to Kaito, dropping the kid down. Then look back to Conan.

"Want to read? Is just about you guys fighting each other." I suggested.

"Uh, sure?" Kaito said, unsure.

"Mm, same with me." Conan also want to try reading. I was grinning inside while in the outside happy for them to read.

"Thanks! Tell me if it's good enough."

And this is the start, the start of the ship. They shall read it together...


^-^ I love my story, jokes I don't. I hope you enjoyed it so far because Cone and Kaito is having fun with me. ;))) Thanks for 200+ reads! 👌👌🙇

(Lame story plot oops) (i will regret every decision I make rite now ;-;)

Ty and cya. Food will always love you. - Aninur

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