Chapter 40 - Home

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Who would have thought that his enemy became his ally and helped him running his company? Not just his ally, she became his wife. He knew that bond was much stronger than an ally.

That was the quality of a woman that he had been looking for. Smart, independent, beautiful and possessing a body as hot as lingerie model.

Stefan blushed to his own thought. How could he think of her that way? He barely knew her.

He stole a glance toward Kara who was busy turning her steering wheel, and somehow he knew she would bit her lips at some point after running through the yellow light....

Yes she did! He was shocked by how well he knew her and her habit after all.

"You need to slow down..." he commented.

Did he really love this girl? The question was back into his mind.

"Why? Don't tell me you scared. You can't remember the accident yet, can you?"

"No. And I am not scared, it's just you looked nervous running the yellow light." He said, almost grinning.

She was cute.

She looked different than that day when he saw her first time at the hospital. She looked miserable, but now she was glowing and it warmed his heart.

No matter how hard he tried to hate her, but Kara turned out to be a very likable person and he knew slowly his heart had melted. It was only day one out from the hospital and she already wormed into the very private corner of his mind. It wasn't fair at all......

"I am not nervous." She denied it.

"I bet you got fine a lot." he added.

"You think so?" she chuckled, agreeing to his comment. She got some speeding tickets that she had to sort out for the last few months. She loved speeding and she remembered Stefan went slightly pale when she drove him to work for the first time. He called her the road demon.

"I think so. You drive like a lunatic." He said.

"Well, I wasn't the one flipped his car upside down." She retorted.


Kara had a day to move her stuff back into Stefan's penthouse before he was being released from the hospital. And when they arrived at home, it was all ready as if she had lived there since they day he married her and never moved out.

It was so weird to be back into the house that caused her feeling mixed between happy and sad.

"You have key to my house?" Stefan asked her in a very strange tone when she swapped the key card on the panel inside the lift.

"Give me a break Stefan. I am your wife."

"I still don't believe that."

"What can I do to make you believe me?" Kara groaned in frustration, adjusting her steps to him who walked slowly with his crutches, entering his place.

"Nothing you can do Witch. I just won't believe you."

"Fine! Suit yourself." Kara walked straight to the laundry room with his bag and put his dirty clothes into the machine.

"Where are the maids and Andrea?" he asked, following her from behind, somehow fascinated by how comfortable she was walking around his house like it was hers. Did she really tell him the truth about the marriage?

"I send them for a week holiday." Kara answered.


"Um... I just want you to have a rest with less people around." She gave him an excuse but she was lying, the real excuse was because she wanted to spend more time with him and re creating the first day she stepped into this place as his wife.

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