Baby Sitting

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***2 weeks later***

Danis POV

"I'm going to take art to the park." I shout.

"Have fun." Jason says from the lounge with his eyes closed. I grab Arts hand and we rush along to the park. It's a bit windy but there isn't any rain and the sun is slightly visible.

"Can I go on the slide?" Art asks as we reach the park.

"Of course." I say and he runs to the slide. I sit on the grass and watch Art run around. I watch as a girl approaches him and they start playing together.

"Hi." A voice says from behind me and I jump. I look up and see Louis.

"You scared the crap out me." I tell him.

"Sorry." He says and stands there awkwardly.

"What are you even doing here you have a park closer to your house than this one." I tell him.

"I needed to talk to you." He says and I stand up.

"So you hid out here like a creep waiting for me?" I ask.

"No, I was driving by when I saw you walking to the park." He says and i push the hair out of my face.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" I ask.

"Arthur." He says and I throw my head back.

"Why are you so fixated about him?" I ask.

"Im not fixated on him... I'm just surprised that you have a child." He says.

"Well it was a surprise to me too." I reply.

"I want to know why you would want a kid with Jason and not me." Louis says bluntly. I stand their stunned and I shift my feet.

"I didn't plan on having Arthur or being with Jason, it kinda just happened, Arthur's parents died and Jason and I are his god parents putting us straight away as his legal guardians... I didn't even like Jason until we had to care for Arthur." I tell Louis and I watch as he slouches a bit and looks at me with an apologetic look.

"Dani I..." Louis starts.

"I know you didn't know but you can't come over to me and be angry for having a kid." I tell him.

"It was a bit unexpected..."

"No Louis, what was unexpected was finding out 6 months after we broke up you were engaged with someone else, what was unexpected was how quickly you stopped loving me." I respond.

"You think I stopped loving you after 6 months?" Louis chuckles. "I still haven't, I'm getting divorced because I'm still not over you." Louis says and I feel my anger turn to sadness.

"Victoria is divorcing you?" I ask.

"Yep." He says. "Dani I still love you... We could run away together and take our kids..." Louis says walking closer but I take a step back.

"Louis I'm with Jason and I'm incredibly happy, you might still love me but... I don't think I love you anymore... And I'm not going to run away with you because your wife left you, my life is great right now, it's taken three long years but I'm finally in a place where I wake up not regretting anything." I tell him.

"So that's it you are just going to be with Jason." Louis says.

"And Arthur." I add.

"Great." Louis sighs.

"Lou if you ever need to talk to someone one I'm here." I say as he walks away. I turn to the park and see Arthur running up to me.

"Mum the was a girl over there who kissed my cheek." Arthur tells me and I freeze.

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