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Danis POV

"He's married." I tell Louis.

"Who?" Louis asks I can hear the confusion in his voice.

"Wes, he has a wife and a child and another baby coming." I reply allowing tears to to fall down my face.

"What a fucking dick." Louis says annoyed wiping away my tears.

"Is it the way I look? Or something I do?" I ask.

"What?" Louis asks.

"What is it about me that people think it's ok to use me to cheat on their partner? You cheated on Bethany with me, Wes cheated on his wife with me! So what is it?" I ask.

"There is a difference between what Wes and I did, for starters I was in love with you, still am, but I was only with Bethany because of management... Wes on the other hand was just using you." Louis responds. I lean back and move so Louis and I are face to face. I can feel the tears on my cheeks and wipe them away. I stand up and make my way out to the balcony and Louis follows.

"I'm tired of being screwed with... I'm tired of crying all the fucking time, I'm tired of crap always happening to me and I'm so tired of feeling like if I just left no one would even know or care, I'm so tired Louis... I hardly have a best friend anymore I quit uni and cooking doesn't make me feel happy or calm me down or make me stress less... I'm tired of not knowing if I walk out that door if someone else will leave or get hurt, I'm tired of waking up to an empty house where the same note is left for me, I'm tired of feeling like no one cares anymore. I'm tired of not feeling anything but hurt." I confess leaning against the railing. "And I'm tired of thinking if I fell or jumped that no one would care."

I feel Louis grab my arm and turn me so we were looking at each other.

"I would care, Caitlin would care, Harry would care, Niall would care, Liam would care, Lottie would care, Fizzy, Phoebe, Daisy would care, Dan would care my mum would care, even the two baby twins would care, your family would care, Sophia would care, Sophie and Cory would care, Matt would care, your nieces and nephews would care, Julian, Stan and Calvin would care, the list can go on... People would care. There are so many people that would care and you might not be able to see it, but I can and I know they would miss you and would care. You are cared about. I know your life seems pretty shitty but you will get through it and it will get better-"

"What if it doesn't, what if this is as good as it gets? I don't know if I could have if any worse than this." I cut him off.

"Caitlin was in a coma for eight months, she woke up... Be happy for that, be happy that you can see her everyday walking and talking and not in a hospital bed, forget everything else forget about me leaving and being a fool and about Wes being a complete jerk and everything else bad, just think about Caitlin being awake." Louis softly says cupping my face so I could only look at him.

"The only reason she was in the coma for the 8 months was because of me, I can't think of her being awake because I was the reason she was in the coma." I tell Louis and he sighs.

"You didn't put her in a coma, you woke her up from it." Louis responds moving his hands to around my waist and places his head in the crook of my neck. "People care about you, I care about you, I will help you through this, I am not going anywhere."

"You say that but we know when your phone rings you will be told to go back to England and leave, I love that you want to be here but we have already done this, it doesn't work, someone always has to leave." I mumble into Louis shoulder as tears slip down my face.

"Then I will turn my phone off." Louis replies. I move so I can look at Louis face. "I know we have tried this, and I know somewhere along the way I will have to go back to England and until I get that call I won't leave you."

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