Break Up

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Danis POV

"You broke up?" Caitlin shouts and my eyes start to water and I feel myself breaking. I slide down to the floor and hug my knees.

"You broke up?" Harry asks. I feel arms wrap around me.

"I'm so sorry bibs." Caitlin says and I cry into her shoulder.

"Harry can you go to Louis?" I ask.

"What about you?" He asks.

"I've got her." Caitlin says.

Harry gives me a tight hug and walks out the apartment. As soon as the door closes and I cry harder into Caitlin's shoulder. Caitlin holds me tightly and try's to calm me down.

"What happened?" Caitlin asks. I rub my eyes and look at Caitlin.

"Well..." I start.


"... Will you do me the honours of marrying me?" Louis asks looking at me with such happiness.

I bend down so we are at eye level and I kiss his lips passionately and feel my tears slip down my face.

"Louis... I love you... I love you so much it hurts and me saying this is going to kill me." I start and tears are falling down from my eyes like waterfalls. "Louis I love you."

"But you can't marry me." Louis replies finishing my sentence.

"Louis I want to marry you, I want to wake up with you and be with you forever..."

"Than why can't you say yes?" Louis asks and he looks incredibly hurt.

"Because I don't want kids, Louis you want a family... You want kids and grandkids and you want all that... I can't give you that... And please don't say anything about it not mattering or say we will think about that later or I might want kids later... But I don't. I don't want them and I wish I did but I don't. You deserve someone who wants to have kids and to a family because that what you want and that's what you deserve. And as much as this is crushing me and I don't want to say this, I want you to live your dream of being a dad and being the person you want to be, but with someone else... I am completely and utterly in love with you, I'm just not the one for you Louis."  I say crying my eyes out. Louis wraps his arms around me and let's me cry. "I love you Louis I'm so sorry."

"It's okay beautiful." Louis says and I push away from him.

"It's not okay." I reply wiping my eyes. "I have to go." I say getting up and walking away.

"Dani." Louis says and kisses my lips passionately. "Please Dani, I love you."

"I love you too Louis, you will be an amazing husband one day... And be an even better father."

***End of flashback***

"Oh Nell." Caitlin says holding me closely as I cry.

"I love him so much." I sob.

"I know you do." She replies. "But you know one day you will realise what you did was worth it and was the right thing to do, it may take a long time but this was the right thing to do."

"Was it though?" I ask.

"Do you think so?" She asks.

"I want him to be happy and to have a family and kids... And he has to do that without me... So I guess but it feels like it was the worst decision of my life." I cry.


I open my eyes feel the stinging from my crying last night. I get out of bed and have a shower and get into my work clothes. I walk into the kitchen and see Harry and Caitlin.

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