Finding Out

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Danis POV

I pull up to the shop whilst it's still dark outside. I quickly run to the door and open it up making sure I lock it behind me. If anyone saw me they would think I was crazy. Walking into a pastry shop at 4am in a long red dress and crying. I pull down the chairs and turn on a few lights so I can see. I walk to the back room crying.


"Dani?" A familiar voice asks and I open my sore eyes. I look up and see Sophie.

"Hi." I say giving her a small smile and my voice cracking.

"I haven't seen you in months... What's wrong?" She asks.

"Everything." I sigh. "Life is just hard."

"Want to talk about it?" She asks.

"Not exactly." I reply getting up from the floor.

"You are a bit over dressed for work." She smiles trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah a tad." I reply wiping the flour and stuff off my dress.

"Did you bake anything?" She asks curiously.

"Yeah, I think I did... I don't know my tears and anger made everything a blur." I reply honestly wiping away the tears that are on my eyelashes and just under my eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? Are you ok?" She asks concerned.

"I'm sure, and I'll be fine." Hopefully.

"Are you coming back to work anytime soon?" Sophie asks and I walk over to the bench that the cake I made is on.

"I don't know, I need to sort stuff out first, I will when I am ready, but just not today." I reply.

"Well I hope you do because the shop isn't the same without you and Caitlin."

"Caitlin should be working next week, that's what she has been telling everyone anyway." I say cutting a tiny slice and eating a bit and offering the rest to Sophie. It tastes ok, not the best I've made.

"Is that all you will eat of it?" She asks.

"I'm not hungry." I reply honestly. "I've got to go, but it was good catching up." I say grabbing my shoes and my belongings and give her a quick hug before I leave the back room. There are only two other people in here that aren't staff and they give me odd looks before shrugging there shoulders. I walk to Wes' car and turn it on. I lean my head on the seat and sigh. I'm so tired and sad. I need a trip. By myself and just leave. I pull the car out of the parking spot and drive to the hotel Wes' is in. I walk into the hotel getting dirty looks from people because I'm not wearing shoes and I'm still in last nights clothes. I get in the elevator and make my way up to Wes' room. Its only 6am so he is probably still asleep. I open the door and put my shoes on the table with the car keys and my clutch. I take off my dress and walk to the bed where Wes is asleep and slip in next to him in my lace black underwear. I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arm around his waist. Wes moves his arm and wraps it around me bringing me closer to him.

"You're back." He mumbles.

"Yeah." I say looking up at him and see he is already looking down at me. He chuckles and I look at him confused.

"You have powder or something in your hair and on your face." He smiles brushing it away.

"That would be flour, I made a cake, but it was shit." I tell him.

"Are you feeling better?" He asks.

"A bit." I reply and he kisses my lips.

"How about now?" He asks with a cheeky smile.

Pastry Shop 2 (L.T)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora