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Danis POV

"Dani please tell me what's wrong, I hate seeing you like this." Louis asks.

"You're the one that made me like this." I snap tears falling down my face.

"I know, you have no idea how much I regret leaving you, but I didn't have a choice." He replies placing his hand on my cheek. I push him off me and run my hands through my hair.

"You always have a choice Louis." I tell him not looking at him.

"Trust me love when I say I love you and that me leaving was the hardest thing I could ever do, but I had to do it." He says walking closer to me.

"Stop! Just stop! Stop calling me love and beautiful! Stop lying about loving me and me being beautiful and everything else just stop!" I shout through my cries. "And you didn't you could of stayed I would of done anything Louis." I cry sliding down the elevator door.

"Danielle Jane, you are so beautiful, you are perfect, and I'm not lying, I love you and have ever since I walked through your little shop... And nothing you could of done would of changed me leaving, it wasn't anything about what you had done or anything that made me leave." He tells me crouching so we were eye level.

"I'm not perfect Louis, I'm just gross and ugly." I cry.

"You are neither of those things... Love you're my definition of perfect, always have and always will." Louis says and I pull at my hair not believing a word he was telling me. I was so far beyond perfect.

"Then what was it? Was I not rich enough? Was I not smart enough? Was I not good enough to sleep with? Did I talk to much? Was I too clumsy?" I cry.

"It was none of those I swear, I love you, I don't care about all those things, I love you for you, nothing will change that." Louis assures me.

"Then why? Why did you leave me when I needed you?" I ask trying to look at him through my tears. I watch as he lowers to a sitting position and slightly pulls at his hair.

"I... It's not important." He sighs. I take off my shoe and throw it at him making him look up at me.

"It's fucking important Louis!" I shout.

"I can't tell you." He tells me looking down.

"Yes you can, Louis please I need to know! Please just tell me I want to know what I did to make you leave me." I cry throwing my other shoe at him.

"You didn't do anything I promise you." Louis says making his way to me and cupping my face wiping away my tears.

"Then why?" I ask just audible. I watch as his free hand clenches and unclenches. He runs his hand through his hair and looks down. I slowly and gently place my hand on his cheek making him look up at me. "Please Louis just tell me." I whisper.


Caities POV

I walk out my room holding Harry's hand and make my way to the kitchen. It's like 2pm so I'm starving. I walk in the room and see Wes and Niall talking.

"Hey, where's dani?" I ask.

"I've no idea, she just disappeared whilst I was sleeping." Wes tells me.

"Have you tried calling her?" Harry asks.

"Yeah her phone is off." Niall replies.

"Have you tried asking Louis?" Harry asks.

"She wouldn't be with him." I say shaking my head knowing she wouldn't be with him.

"His phones off too." Niall replies.

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