Phone Call

55 3 8

**2 weeks later**
Danis POV

I open my eyes and turn over and pick up my phone. I look at the time and see its 7:30. I open my phone up and click onto my Facebook and scroll through then to my Twitter and then through my other social media sites.

I look back at the time and see its 8am. I put my phone down and make my way to the bathroom. I have a quick shower and get changed into a black sundress. I walk into the kitchen and see Caitlin making pancakes with chocolate chip biscuits in them.

"Morning." I smile taking a pancake.

"You're up? Get back into your room and get in bed!" She orders me. "And put that pancake back!" I do as she says and make my way back to my room. Lay on my bed and look at where Louis is normally sleeping. I see a note on his pillow and open it up.

Morning beautiful,
I wish I could be there for you when you woke up but I have some errands to run, I will be home later tonight. Have a great day. I love you.
xoxo ~Louis

I smile at the note and put it on my bed side table. After a few minutes the door opens again and Caitlin walks in.

"HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!" She yells and places a plate of pancakes and chocolate milk on my lap. I thank her and give her a hug. She hands me a present. It's quite big and I look at her confused.

"Open it!" She squeals. I open it quickly and look down at it, a massive smile growing on my face. It's a scrap book that has Parabatai written on the front. I open it up and see it has pictures from when we were in year 6 and throughout our friendship. She has written notes about why we took the photo or what happened that day and other little notes in there. It's really amazing. I look up at her and give her another hug.

"It's great, thank you." I smile at her. She sits next to me and we both share my breakfast. It's not like I could of eaten it all anyway.

Over the last few weeks I have been getting better, I'm not as sad and I'm starting to eat a bit more, but not a lot. Louis and I are still not dating but I am fine with that. I know that he wants us to be together again, but I'm not sure I am completely ready yet.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask Caitlin.

"Good thing you asked because I have already planned out today... First we are going to the shops to get our nails and hair done, then we will find a nice outfit to wear because we are going to a club tonight and then we will come home and sleep until we are completely hungover free." Caitlin tells me.

"Sounds great." I smile.


"Your nails look amazing!" Caitlin exclaims over my turquoise coloured nails. I smile at them and nod my head.

"Yeah they look great." I smile. "Yours look good too." I smile at her purple coloured nails.

"Thanks, now dress shopping!" She sings and I smile.


"Wow, Louis going to love you." Caitlin smiles when I walk out my room in my clothes.

"Thanks." I blush and look down at my shoes. They are pretty high so I would definitely be taller than Louis. My turquoise dress fits perfectly complementing all my curves and my hair is in a braid thing. I have a bit of make up on that slightly brings out my eyes. "Harry is going to love you too." I tell Caitlin.

She is in a strapless purple dress that matches her nails and her make up. The dress fits her perfectly as well. She is in 6 inch heels but is still smaller than me.

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