On Top Of The World

50 3 17

Danis POV

I rub my temple with my pointer and middle finger, the beeping of Caitlin's machine is starting to give me a headache. It's three o'clock in the morning and if she doesn't wake up before lunchtime they are pulling the plug. And the thing that's most confusing in her parents are blaming me for her dying. Well excuse me, I'm not the one taking her off the life support. I pull out my phone and decide to tell Harry what is happening tomorrow. I know he will be pissed that I didn't tell him earlier but his management wouldn't let me, saying how he's missed to much work and blah blah blah. I scroll down to his name and walk over to Caitlin bed and sit down.

To Harry:
Still no change in Caitlin, however something has come up... And saying it over text is probably the worst thing but I don't think I will be able to actually say it to you... But Caitlin's family are, um... They are giving her until lunchtime and if she hasn't woken up they are going to take her off life support...

I watch as instantly my phone starts buzzing.

"You have to be joking? They can't just kill her, are you even trying to stop them? What are you even doing over there?" Harry asks and I can tell he is pissed.

"Of course I am trying to stop them, I've been trying to stop them for the past 3 months... I think you should get on a plane, I'm not sure if she will make it." I respond looking down at her.

"3 Months?! Why didn't you tell me? And she will make it, she has to make it." Harry says the emotion audible in his voice. I don't say anything, I play with the end on Caitlin's blanket and hold in my tears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be angry at you." Harry apologises.

"It's fine." I reply.


Caitlin's POV

"If you love somebody,
Better tell them while they're here 'cause,
They just may run away from you."

I open my eyes and they feel like they are superglued together. I turn my head and squint my eyes at the bright lights in the white room. I look around the room and see a heart monitor along with other machines, lots of flowers and a few chords connected to me.

"You have to be fucking kidding me." I hear Danielle's familiar voice say. I turn my head and I'm shocked by her appearance. For starters her hair is a complete mess, like usually it's at least manageable but no now it's everywhere. Her clothes are all screwed up and she looks like she hasn't slept in years. Also she looks extremely skinny and broken.

"What?" I ask, my voice sounding quiet and soft.

"You have been in a coma for seven months nearly eight and as soon as I put on top of the world on you wake up." She replies and I can see she is blinking back tears.

"Eight months?" I ask.

"Yeah..." Dani starts as the door opens revealing an extremely attractive blonde doctor. I look away from him and look at Dani and see she has red cheeks and is biting her bottom lip. She looks over at me and I raise my eyebrow making her give me a confused look. Why is she blushing?

"Miss Denise, you are finally awake, it's nice to see you, I'm your doctor, Doctor Wes Ryan but you can call me Wes." Wes says walking towards me. British. I look over to him and see him stealing a glance at Danielle. What is this? Why are they both looking at each other like that? Does he know she has a boyfriend? "How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"Tired, confused, thirsty and really hungry." I reply honestly. "And my head hurts a bit."

"Well I can help with the head." He smiles showing his amazing teeth. This guy is fucking wow.

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