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***6 Months Later***

Dani's POV

I look over at Caitlin and pass her another doughnut. She has had a major craving for them since getting pregnant. She is due any day now which goes sort of well since the boys are still in the country. They started touring a couple of months ago and are back in Australia. They are in Perth tonight and tomorrow night before flying over here for a few days then flying to Malaysia. Which sucks a bit for Harry because he will only see the baby for a little bit. I'm hoping he will be here when Caitlin is giving birth because I'm sure he doesn't want to miss it.

"I feel so fat and ugh." Caitlin says as she eats another doughnut. I smile at her and take a bite of my sandwich.

"You are legit about to have a baby." I tell her and she scrunches up her face. "Okay why don't we do our nails and put on face masks and stuff like that to make you feel not ugh and fat." I watch as she slightly smiles. She waddles to the lounge and I smile. I follow behind her and quickly get all my beauty products.

"Okay face first then nails?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah that's probably best." I say opening the face mask and put some of it on my hands and Caitlin follows. It's a green colour I think it's avocado or cucumber. I massage the mask on my face and wipe my hands with some tissues.

"Baby stop." Caitlin says looking down at her belly.

"Kicking?" I ask and she nods her head. "It probably just wants to get out."

"Well hopefully when Harry is here is when the baby comes." Caitlin replies. She is extremely worried about having this baby without him being here.

"He will be there, even if he has to leave a concert he will be here for your baby's birth." I reassure her as I take her hand and start to use file her nails and make them shiny. She chooses to have white nails and I start to paint them. Caitlin puts on some music and we sing along.

"I really hope he is." Caitlin says. I finish off her nails and start on her toes. Once I'm done we lay on the couch until her nails are dry and she paints mine black, like usual.

"So are you still anti baby?" Caitlin asks.

"Anti baby?" I chuckle. "I am not against babies I just don't want one." I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"And Louis?" She asks.

"We never talk about it, but I'm sure we will find a way to work it out I guess." I reply not wanting to continue with this subject. "We need to take these face masks off."

We take off our face masks and my face feels smooth and soft.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah sure you choose and I will get some food, I haven't eaten today and I'm starving." I reply getting up.

I walk to the kitchen and make some toast. I wait for it to cook then place it on a plate and put some peanut butter on some and Vegemite on another and Nutella on the ones for Caitlin. I start to make some drinks for us when I hear something drop and Caitlin yell in pain.

3rd person POV

The four boys dance on the stage as they sing one of their newest songs. They have been on tour for a while now, started in the USA and down to South America before jumping to New Zealand then to Australia. Harry and Louis have only seen Caitlin and Danielle twice during that time, Harry more than anyone is waiting for the tour to end so he can spend time with Caitlin and their baby.

"Everything I need I get from you." Louis sings as they start to near the end of the song. The crowd goes wild with screams as the boys sing and joy fills all of them. The song comes to an end and the crowd screams louder.

Pastry Shop 2 (L.T)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon